Sometimes we are afraid of taking risks. I don’t know if it has something to do with not being sure about what we want or sometimes due to fear of failing or messing things up. Whatever the case might be, we should try to take some risks, especially when your heart tells you to, and it is something you truly desire.
Most times, we know what we want and wish to do. We know what the prompting of our heart tells us, yet we look for ways around it and ignore it. We do so till we silence the voice of our conscience forever and till we get to the point where our heart couldn’t be trusted to guide us objectively.
Life is about risk. How can you be so sure this is the partner for you? Risk. How can you be so sure about some certain decisions? Risk. How do you know that business will yield a profit for you? Risk. You wouldn’t know some certain things until you try. Risks are part of life. (I am not talking about spiritual aspect, the focus is purely on the natural, not supernatural). That lady you decided to overlook her shortcomings to date, you took a risk with her. That person that decided to date you also took a risk with you, because they are keeping hope you won't turn out bad.
Risks are part of our lives and we wouldn’t know how things and certain decisions will turn out unless we try. Even if it fails, it is a valuable experience which will still be valuable later in the future. We need to see things differently and view things differently. Only when we change our approach and ways of thinking, can we take on risks and enjoy the process that comes with it, when it works, or when it fails. It is always a win-win situation for us, depending on how we see things. Risk cannot be avoided.
A friend of mine shared some things with me yesterday. I saw a lady and honestly, I don’t know that lady, but in my naughty playful state, I related to her as if I knew her and she was really warm and nice. She laughed with me for a while and I left. So, while walking with my friend who was waiting for me all along, he told me he has actually asked that lady out before when the lady was serving (a mandatory National Youth Service, for graduates).
He said the lady said she was single but wouldn’t want to give herself to any relationship back then, because she would be going back to another state after her service year. My friend told her to consider because she can never tell if work would even take him to that state she mentioned. The lady said she couldn’t take on something she can’t be so certain and sure of. So, she killed the feeling and decided not to allow it because she doesn’t want any complications, according to the lady.
Fast forward to a year after service, she got a job in the state she served. My friend was so surprised to see her after service year and asked her what happened. She said she didn’t go to her state again because she got an offer to work here. My friend was a little bit disappointed because he felt she didn’t see him as a risk worth taking. I chose not to meddle in it and I never asked him why he didn’t go to her again. When it comes to matters of the heart, we all need to do what’s best for us. Risks are necessary. She should have, and he should have done the same too.
NB: When his anger and disappointment had subsided, I will speak to him about this, IF she is still available. Maybe she doesn’t know how to tell him No. I decided to leave this part out, so I wouldn't drift off the main course of the topic. In life, a certain level of risk is needed, if we are to reach our desired goals.
There are also some risks that might take handwriting isn't on this one. #picksrace.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.
Life itself is a risk, if one cannot take risks the chance of getting successful of that person is very slim. Getting more knowledge than your mate is risk you decided to take, since a lot of sleepless night over your colleagues will surely pay. Success is a state of mind and the most reliable way to reach that state of mind is by working through set of goal with meaningful challenge (risk) which is what you did now brother. A soul that refuses to take risk is bound not to be successful.
Life is a risk, all the activities we engaged in is such a risk. In order to win your have to shake and only two outcome is possible which is whether you lose or win, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. Making it in life require us taking step; all these steps are like sacrifice(risk) we have to make before getting to the top.
Sometimes our heart speak in favour of a particular plan we had in mind but the fear of being losing has overwhelmed what we desire to do, wish make us not to actually such plan that particular moment and we later regret by saying, had i know, I would have done that, which often happen to us. It is just the fear of being losing that has taken us into captivity.
To make it on life, the desire to risk will surely be our watch word, there is nothing we do in this life that doesn't involve risk, traveling, getting spouse, getting desirable job and making progress in life it is all about risk.
I totally agree with you on this point brother.
Well said brother, well said.
Your handwriting is certainly on that one o.... Lol
Risk Risk Risk
Life itself is a risk
So, not taking a risk is a risk in itself.
I'm an accountant by profession and we were taught about risk taking.
When I see an opportunity, I calculated the risk involved.
And if I perceive that there would be positive possibilities, I dive into the risk.
There are times when I've lost out on some risks I've taken but of course, that is a lesson for me to learn.
Taking risks is important and vital to our success.
What would happen if those successful people who took risks didn't take such risks to achieve the feat they're in right now?
Taking risks is good but we must learn to take calculated risks.
Cheers ✌
I love this. So much sense. Yes, there are calculated risks and when there are opportunities in it too, like you said, we should delve into it and we can never lose outright, because either it works or we gain valuable experience with it. Not taking a risk is risk on its own. Love that!.
the most common risks using the business we venture in. Risk makes us feel alive. Life without risk is life stuck in a rut. If you feel like your job or life is getting boring and monotonous, then you're not taking enough risk. The fact is we're built to take risk.
Great, otherwise unforeseen opportunities often come from risk-taking.
We tend to view risk-taking negatively, often regarding it as dangerous and even unwise. But while some risks certainly don’t pay off, it’s important to remember that some do. Reframing risk as an opportunity to succeed rather than a path to failure.
Taking risks shows confidence and helps you stand out.
Taking a risk is also a great opportunity to stand out and to present yourself as a leader, not a follower satisfied with the status quo.
We learn from risks — and those lessons may lead us on an important, new path.
But beyond the external opportunities and recognition risk-taking can bring, it also provides an opportunity for internal growth.
Success won’t fall in your lap — you have to pursue it.
But beyond being personally or professionally beneficial, taking risks may be a necessary step in actively pursuing success in life , we must endeavors to take risk always.
You have nailed it. This is really good. Perfectly highlighted. Enjoyed it.
That is deep. Thank you for this wonderful comment.
Life is self is a risk, coming to the world is risky as
Beautiful things are the discoveries of the risk takers. If you are tired of been ordinarily, dare to take some extraordinary risks.
Risk taking is like mathematical equations. It's either you get it right or wrong. So is the risk, it's either it make or mar you. Though, they worth taking for nothing new could be discovered without them.
So, to your friend, from the look of things, it seems the lady can't cope with distance relationship and it's better she opened up than to make the life of your friend miserable. So, trying again won't be a bad option, but it has to come from him like you rightly said.
Thank you @olawalium and @cimmunitycoin
Hahahaha yes o, life itself is a risk. We grow as we go in life. All the people we heard about today making waves, they took risks. Being on steemit is also a risk, which is the truth. We didn't know until we joined and now we see the possibilities in it. Some still won't want to join because they are not quite sure.
Yes, will speak with him to know his views or if the lady has gone for another.
Thanks as always, brother.
The fear most people feel is because they do not want to make mistakes.
"As children, most of us will have problems if we do wrong, not many parents or teachers are willing to accept failure when a child is trying to do something, we are always told that we should not fail".
As a result, we learn to stay away from risky actions. In this way, we will not experience any problems (although we will eventually get bored or frustrated with our life that is just so-so).
"I do not believe that people can grow and grow without taking some risks. There is a saying that, if you always do what you always do, you will get what you always get. "The problem is, are you satisfied with what you always get in this life ?.
Absolutely. If you are not satisfied, then you are not taking enough risks, so get out of your comfort zone and try something you haven't tried before.
Thanks a lot for this.
This is a friend, there are more people who do not try to realize their dreams that people who really fail, Conquer without risk, is triumph without glory and Great deeds are usually forged with great risks.
Only those who risk going too far are those who discover how far they can go. People who take risks change the world. Few people become rich without taking risks.
willing to take the risk.
The risk of change: being a winner.
Every damn things in life is a risk. For example You walk and slide down the floor and you rised up back and the same way someone else slide but can't ever stand up again, it's a risk!
Let's see those who got cars and those taxi drivers, some come back home in good health and some got fatal accident and some dead off and some are at clinic , it's not a matter of being perfect, those that got home safe also risked it, so why don't we just take the risk of doing things since life itself is 50/50
Those that risk it are at the top, if you are scared of risk you won't even move
Risks get us out of our comfort zone. Risks make us dare the seemingly impossible only to see the endless possibilities. Well said. Thanks bro.
You said exactly the words. There is no risk at all. So you have to take the risk. This is not the reality that does not work without risk. But someone risked knowingly and nobody risked the risk. You have to take the risk. There is no work without risk. My person has given the example of the risk of the last one, I will not go to Japan after passing the intercession. So I'm learning Japanese. It's hard to get in the present. I do not know if I can go or not, but take a risk to understand Au. If I can not go, I will lose a lot of time and money.thank you dear sir
Yeah yeah, risk taking happens every single day of our lives, we take various risks consciously and unconsciously, as for me, i take risks unconsciously, why? Because where i was brought up, we learn to go with certainty and leave uncertainty. But taking risks sometimes quite helps us grow and learn. Great post@oluwalium, thanks for the insight again
It definitely help us to grow and learn, better and faster. Taking them unconsciously might be good too, because you won't have time to have second thoughts about it. I like that.
Thanks a lot for this dear. Good one.
Yeah, thanks too
Risk makes us feel alive. Life without risk is life stuck in a rut. If you feel like your job or life is getting boring and monotonous, then you’re not taking enough risk. The fact is we’re built to take risk. We need change and growth in our lives. If you’re not growing, then you’re dying. Realize that nothing in this world truly stays the same.
the most common risks using the business we venture in. Risk makes us feel alive. Life without risk is life stuck in a rut. If you feel like your job or life is getting boring and monotonous, then you're not taking enough risk. The fact is we're built to take risk.
Great, otherwise unforeseen opportunities often come from risk-taking.
We tend to view risk-taking negatively, often regarding it as dangerous and even unwise. But while some risks certainly don’t pay off, it’s important to remember that some do. Reframing risk as an opportunity to succeed rather than a path to failure.
Taking risks shows confidence and helps you stand out.
Taking a risk is also a great opportunity to stand out and to present yourself as a leader, not a follower satisfied with the status quo.
We learn from risks — and those lessons may lead us on an important, new path.
But beyond the external opportunities and recognition risk-taking can bring, it also provides an opportunity for internal growth.
Success won’t fall in your lap — you have to pursue it.
But beyond being personally or professionally beneficial, taking risks may be a necessary step in actively pursuing success in life , we must endeavors to take risk always.
Great post, im totally agree with u !