The drop of these vehicle cards is excellent. Excellent luck with getting at least one good vehicle card in every 12 packs lot. Still waiting on that first legendary hope it will drop soon.
Pack 1:
Pack 2:
Pack 3:
Pack 4:
Pack 5:
Pack 6:
Pack 7:
Pack 8:
Pack 9:
Pack 10:
Pack 11:
Pack 12:
My Dashboard:
Current Level:
Not a bad pull at all.
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The campaign aims to onboard new application developers to grow our ecosystem. If you missed the presentation, you can watch it on YouTube.
You cast your vote for the proposal on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Thank you!Dear @zeeshannaqvi72,May I ask you to review and support the Dev Marketing Proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/232) we presented on Conference Day 1 at HiveFest?