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RE: First anniversary of Rising star.

in #risingstar4 years ago

I'd like to see the multiplier implemented. Also, I love the game but I could see where the progression of gameplay to newcomers is really really slow to get anywhere and I understand the fundamentals. Honestly, I can see where it's a turn off for newcomers. So maybe reward newcomers with a deal or somehow speed u the first leveling up so players see progress. Its taken me months to get to level 72 and I play every day for several hours. I understand the perks of progression. It's play2earn and I understand the concept but I'm sure that it would help the token economics and draw more players. Thanks, guys, keep up the great work, and congrats.


Thank you for the feedback. The fact that it is possible to play for free is already more than most games and when you add in the free cards and packs we believe it is more than enough for new players but we always appreciate any suggestions.

thanks guys!