The Flute took her to the Million and that was just the beginning. Judy.

in #risingstar2 months ago


Judy is one of those flutists who play so naturally that it seems like they were born with the flute stuck to their lips, well not stuck, but it is as if they had it stuck because of how well she plays. She is one of those people who get up early, drink coffee, and start asking if something big will happen that day or at least something that will get her out of her routine. Despite Judy's talent, anyone could be surprised if they find out the truth. No one taught her to play the flute, well at least no one physically. She did not study music or have a teacher. What she knows about playing the flute is because she has learned it in a self-taught way.

Generally she likes to read a lot of books and from time to time she watches tutorials on the internet to learn to play better. That is how she learned to play. Despite that, even today with all her skill she has not gotten an important job and she is not very famous.


To support herself, she makes recordings and interpretations of famous songs of her playing the flute. And then she uploads those recordings to her social networks. Then her followers give her tips and other gifts just for watching her play. That is how she has supported herself until now. But in recent times she has seen that her views and economic incentives have dropped a lot. She has started to check the comments on her posts to see what the problem is and what she discovered left her stunned. Many said it was more of the same, that she did not innovate anything and that they were tired of seeing her room in the background. So in reality what she saw was that they wanted her to take it more seriously and do things with more dynamism.

At that time she simply did not know what to do because she did not have the resources to build a video studio so that her recordings could be seen with different shots. In addition, she did not have money to hire a video editor to make the most of the green curtain. Generally she did it herself but the cuts were not very good, so to speak. People were throwing all this in his face.


Judy knew she had to do something to change the dynamic of her videos and her flute recordings. So she started looking on the internet to see if she could find inspiration to make her new videos for her channel better. In one of the posts she saw there was a challenge that the organizers wanted to make viral. The viral challenge consisted of playing popular songs in unexpected places and recording everything to then upload the videos. The winner was the one who got the video with the most views, and the prize was, no more and no less, than a million dollars. Judy saw this as a golden opportunity because if she won that money she could greatly improve her studio and in that way please her followers in what they wanted. And of course with the rest of the money she was going to indulge herself, no less.

So she contacted the organizers to sign up as well. The organizers were an agency that wanted to advertise the best places in the city in order to make them popular and viral for people who came to visit the city. This way, more people would know about them before they traveled to the country and want to visit them as well. They told Judy that they would check her videos to confirm if she really had enough followers to apply for the challenge and get the million dollars. After a few days they told her yes, she could participate with her videos playing the flute. Judy was very happy because now if everything went well she would have more opportunities. The challenge started in a week and lasted more than a month. They had to make 3 videos and the one with the most views would be the winner.


The challenge began in the city's central market, where there was a lot of traffic of people who would watch her recording and most likely later watch the videos hoping to see themselves in the background. For this first video, she came up with the idea of ​​making a version of Billie Eilish's famous song Bad Guy. She would be the first person to play it on the flute, so that would surely attract some of Billie's followers and all this added to the people at the market and her own followers would surely give her many views. And yes, she was successful. That week it was almost the most viewed video of the entire challenge. But the other contestants surpassed her with some of their videos. But all was not lost because next week there would be another opportunity.


The second week she decided to take a bigger risk. She decided to play in a subway car during rush hour. There would be a lot of people coming and going. She waited until the subway was packed like a can of sardines to start playing. This time she chose the song Life which is very popular in her city. But there weren't many flute performances and even less played in a subway. Before the train arrived she started playing The Mixed People's Reaction, some passengers were delighted and said they would watch the video later to help her accumulate views but others looked at her as if she was interrupting their daily meditation of being angry with the world.

In this case the video had fewer views than the previous one, she simply thought she would lose, the first video didn't become the most viewed, it was 2 places behind and this one was even further behind. So she started to think that there was nothing else to do. But there was still a chance because there were 3 videos. So she didn't give up and said she was going to try one last time.


Now there was only one chance left so she would have to think carefully about how to make the video. For that reason she hired a director to give her ideas for this last opportunity so she could really take advantage of it. The producer recommended that the best thing would be for her to play the flute on the top floor of the tallest tower in the city. That part was not finished, it was under construction and because of the height and the risk it could attract attention. He also told her to use fire-breathing men to make the video more impressive. And that's exactly what she did. With the little money she had left, she hired some fire-breathing men, some pyrotechnic machines and some dancers to accompany her on top of the tower.

This video was very important to her because it was all or nothing, she had already spent all the money she had left on the production of the video and on top of that it was the last chance of the challenge. But she was not going to back down. He filmed the video at night, using dancers and fire-breathing people while playing a metal song on a flute and a metal guitarist accompanying him on his guitar. To finish, he used pyrotechnics and fireworks. People below the tower watched the show and several television stations and journalists did too. So the news spread quickly and many people started commenting on the video.


The result was that the video went viral almost immediately. No one could believe it, the views were increasing by millions every hour. The video was the most viewed of all the contest videos combined. It was crazy, Judy could now breathe easy because she now knew that the prize was assured. It was all due to the help of the director, the risk, the investment she decided to take and of course her followers. On the day of the awards she obviously took the number 1 spot. With that she was given the million dollars. But she didn't just win money, some businessmen in the area wanted to hire her to make advertising videos for them. So now her future was assured, she had won the challenge.

Credits: The images used are free to use and royalty free. They were taken from pixabay.