Hackable Animals - Rising Star Release!
I am working on a new EP and Hackable Animals is the second track and it's being released only on Rising Star until the project is completed.
The NFT's are updated on sale this minute:

All the songs will be on Rising Star first, before releasing them everywhere else. Consider this a thanks to all who get the NFT's and play the game, and everyone that makes the game possible.. I appreciate you. 😃
This song is about people at the WEF getting uppity and calling us all hackable animals. Well I say fuck you.. come say that shit to my face and I'll bury you. 😂
I have no love for these people as they are they agents of chaos and mayhem all because they think they're better than us. Klaus Schwab can fuck off.. along with his minion Yuval Noah Harari. Someone please get these Bond villains a cat! 😆
Anyhow.. check out the song and grab an NFT/Download of Hackable Animals. It's raw and in yer face music with a flair for the old school.
Check it our on Rising Star.. give it a listen while you are on a mission, and if you are so inclined.. grab an NFT of the song. 🙃
Thanks for listening.. Peace Out!