Ripple Is So Hard To Get; Gatehub Sucks; And where is My money

in #ripple7 years ago (edited)

With all the frustration in the title of this one, I'm not too pleased with my experience with GateHub; I'm also not pleased with most 'wallets' in general. While I'm new to the 'space', I'm not new to business. I'm totally in full understanding that all of this is early adoption. What comes with that, is a lot of test-tube baby level .... ish.

Which is clearly the, the 'root of my frustration'...

But it's also clearly an Opportunity for anyone 'smart enough' to come up with Wallets that allow people to store Multiple Currencies; and by multiple I mean 100. Even better, Unlimited Wallets, able to integrate with 'any coin' .... Whoever can pull that off, is going to absolutely dominate this space.

My experiences with trying to get my hands on Ripple (#XRP) has me ready to just say .... Fawk it!

I'll just have to miss out on the coming explosion. Oh .... well.

Because so far, I've 'lost' a total of $4 on 'transaction fees', attempting to send money to my Gatehub ripple wallet. A copy of my last attempted transaction; to get my hands on some Ripple -- (but keep reading, there is more...)

The money I sent via shapeshift returned (minus the fees), and I Chalked it up to having a wallet that was still 'pending activation', as Gatehub takes their sweet time to approve my account.

Again, all of this goes against all of the reasons we're diving into the Cryptocurrencies.

We don't want to 'wait to be approved' to invest in a technology we believe in. Perhaps that's our problem, for believing in these institutions that already have too much control. Yes, I'm getting preachy.

Because after losing $4 ... and waiting at least 10 days for approval, I finally contacted Gatehub. They sent me an email, about Wallet Approval and sent me to ..... this site tells me if I send some coin, they'll 'speed up my activation' ... so I do.

Now... I've got about $30 floating around, that could be earning interest where it was at... but instead is Hung up in, what is now STILL an Unconfirmed Transaction?? (almost 15 hours later .... still no Ripple in my gatehub; and the $30 has not returned to my BTC Wallet, where it was sent from) ............ what in the entire ......... Fuck!

Where Is My Money?

At this point I feel like, Ripple (gateHub especially) owes me an extra $10 in XRP for all of my troubles 'if' they ever get around to approving me. When they do .... my money better 'arrive' as well. Meanwhile, the tutorials that folks are currently making in our space, often fail to cover just how ridiculously impossible it is to get a hold of Ripple.

Ledger S. wallets are oversold and on backorder till August.

Buying on Exchanges is cool but, if your Gatehub wallet sucks, where do you send your ripple that you've bought on an Unsafe exchange? Please don't get into the Paper Wallets. Cool Idea, but again 'checking' those wallets to make sure your money is in them, from what I've seen is yet another process.

In fact, that's where I started. I set up a paper wallet, then attempted to connect it with a ripple wallet app. The app couldn't read my paper wallet address. Kept saying my key was wrong - and yet I plugged that same paper wallet into my GateHub, and it connected without problem.

Unfortunately, since the gatehub account is 'pending' ... neither of my two wallets can receive funds. That happens to be the other part that sucks. They say the wallet is 'disabled' until you load it. Yet, when attempting to load it, it rejects the money. With literally 250 other altcoins in the space .....

Screw the predictions.

I'll be betting on other horses in this race, and will just have to live with the regret of not holding any XRP.

It's too difficult to get a hold of.

Plus, if the overall purpose of the coin is to help banks move money easier ..... screw them.

It goes against the very idea of 'decentralization'. Hey, congrats to Banks for realizing they'll have to be ready to adopt to changes. But, I'll be looking at Currency that moves us (as a society and world) Away from Banks.

Fuck them their platform and their crypto....

Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to contact my BTC wallet I used to send my money to Gatehub, to tell them My Money has not arrived in my account I sent it to; Despite the ... "Now" 90+ Confirmations .... My latest attempt; confirmed on the blockchain but the ripple is not in my account ... still ... fuck $xrp ... js

Thanks for reading my rant ....

If anyone else is as Unimpressed with Ripple Wallets as I am, feel free to speak freely without judgement below. If you also agree, that 'wallets in general' suck ... I'd love to talk with you below as well. However if you're a Ripple Fanboy/Fangirl who wants to tell me how great it's going to be, save it. Go write your own blog about it, and let others who agree with you chime in. Just keep that out of my comments please. I've made up my mind.

Thank you all, again for your time :)

A previous story from when I 'tried' to connect my Paper Ripple Wallet to XRP Wallets


Google got me here so your article ranks. Besides that, I'm facing the same issue. I transferred quite a few ETH to my GateHub wallet and after 5-6 hours of waiting have received nothing. It's a large amount of money and they cannot even get back to my support messages. I must have sent out at least 6 messages and no replys yet.

Welcome and Really sorry you had to find me this way. Totally sucks this happened to you as my issue is STILL Unresolved. I let them know I was fed up the last time I spoke to support --------- Because the very support page they sent me to, initially Had the Link to Bithomp; Then they 'grayed it out' - but left the link; It was sloppy...

I called them out on it; said they need to find my money and they left me hanging for about 2 weeks; out of the blue their support guy responded, telling Me I had to contact Bithomp for the Transaction Hash :: Frustrated with the Lazy approach they continue to take; I ignored the email for a couple weeks.

I finally responded about a week ago; and am yet to hear back. The hash wasn't hard to track down; as my transaction is still on the Blockchain, at the same location I gave to them initially.

I still, went and found the hash from Bithomp's side; because that's what Gatehub Support initially told me to do; Send money to Bithomp; and they'll send money to my GateHub to activate my account.

Here I am several months later; the $30 worth of BTC I sent 'at the time; which is probably worth $60 by now) is sitting in Limbo; no XRP in my gatehub (From that transaction) --- They gave me 20 xrp; perhaps they felt somewhat guilty for my troubles. But the Transaction I'm waiting on; never went through ............ and their support, still sucks.

Hi .This very day I am experiencing the joys of dealing with Gatehub .
I was also looking to get hold of some RPL Gatehub are listed on the ripple site.
I decided to sign up ,so I went through the process up to verifying my phone number I received a code input the code then received an error message which was repeated numerous times upon a further five codes being received and failing and me then raising further tickets .
So I was raising tickets and reading bot responses in my em which advised me to activate 2fa so I did that successfully , great I thought I’m away ……. No I wasn’t .
On trying to open up a deposit gateway I was told that I still needed to verify my phone this time though I just had to press the button my phone number already being present, same deal no deal.
Raised another ticket ,I was thinking to myself be nice to speak to someone- which I believe you have done I couldn’t locate a number to call them ,anyway it doesn’t sound like I will get anywhere from what you guys have had the pleasure to participate in .
The response to the last ticket : Query category: Mobile phone number validation
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for contacting GateHub support service.
Please select the pertinent country and then input your mobile phone number without the country code.
Make sure to submit a mobile phone number that can receive an SMS from abroad.
Validate your mobile phone number here.
Kind regards,
GateHub Support Service

As far as I’m aware my phone can receive sms from abroad in any event my phone received the initial codes to verify in the first instance all of which failed .
So what is going on gatehub ? It all looks so nice and friendly but it doesn’t work nice and friendly.
You guys have my support I don’t think we are asking for much just some good ole fashioned genuine integrity and honesty, something one could say that the centralised system has lacked for a long, long time if ever.
Gatehub are offering to be a gateway between the centralised and decentralised paradigm .
Is the gate open or shut ?

you know..... since I wrote this 'some' of my feelings have changed. The verification process was a PAIN IN THE ass man ... it really was; and that Ripple I paid for, never did arrive in my account; Their customer service however, attempted to 'make up for it' by giving me 20 xrp ................

I did not 'speak' to anyone either; all email communication --- they'll respond 'eventually' --- however, once you're not worried about getting 'set up' -- it's actually easy to send and store XRP on gatehub; the platform is nice - smooth; secure --- and it's easier to buy xrp on Bittrex than it was to go through the other recommended routes.

Had I known that early on, I would have just Opened a Gatehub; Bought XRP on Bittrex - and then sent that to my Gatehub --- Instead, there was almost no one to tell me what to do; how to do it; etc - and so a lot of this were my 'learning experiences' - in documented form.

I still have some money floating around out there that I'd like to land in my gatehub -- still waiting on them to get back to me on my Last email I sent their way :)

Sorry you've had a tough time as well --- in the long run, OTHER coins like #XLM or #NEM may be better options for 'us' as investors/holders --- within this same niche

Same here. I have 131 RXP missing. I traded BTC for XRP on gatehub. They took my BTC but never gave me my RXP. The transaction history is there and it was verified. It says it was filled but my RXP is not there. I have sent 5 support tickets with no answer for almost two weeks.


They got me for 131 ripple. I did a trade for some BTC to RXP. They took my BTC but never gave me my ripple. The transaction went through, has been verified but I never got my ripple. That was 9 days ago. I sent 5 support tickets and still nothing. I also sent .05 DASH from my electrum wallet to GH and it never went in. Electrum says it was verified but it never showed up in GH. And its not the fake GH. Its the real one.