Ripple has grown as a cryptocurrency building many partners and has a business value in driving a real life use case. With partnerships from moneygram, western union and lots of other small financial institutions. The price of Ripple as of today is very attractive at 0.66 as of today.
It is entirely up to you to decide if you want to invest in Ripple, but you also need to understand the fundamentals about it. Ripple is a global money exchange platform with no debts and all profit. Ripple’s success is because of the number of partners on Ripplenet. Ripple initially started with engaging major banks as a global money transfer platform and then engaged smaller partners from the industry. There are a number of people who use Ripple’s products which makes XRP effective.
Ripple however control the price of XRP by holding 62 billion ripple, this is true for any investment as the company always holds 60% of the shares in the market and 40% are for the public.
Ripple has a technology that has long been thought as a fast global money transfer. Swift on the other hand is a legacy technology. We need to remember that banks usually take a technology and don’t want to go away with it for years and Swift being the only global platform for money exchange is expensive as banks have to keep money in the NOSTRO and VOSTRO accounts as they never know when the transfer will be done. On the other hand, ripple uses xRapid to transfer value and can update the ledgers across the borders. The ripple technology is very promising and cheap for the banks to maintain it. So, I believe that there is some future in having a few ripples in your pocket.
I am not a financial expert and I am not giving a financial advice and these are purely my thoughts, investment decisions should be made carefully and cautiously. Please study the fundamentals carefully before investing.
Yes Ripple is growing rapidly and this is future money because it is swift.