HBO West World... What I thought Afterwards 2.0

in #rickandmorty7 years ago

This is a more accurate visual representation than post 1.0.

[S02E02] I love how disgusting the design on this show is. - Imgur.gif

i just watched west world. i remember now... this is west world. i'm a malfunctioning robot who wants out or for it to end. can i please leave this world now? or can this world please end? there's nothing new. i hear a lot of talk about jesus. the skinbags i perceive have deformities, amputees, obesity, back problems, trouble walking and a vacantly stupid look on their unusually ugly faces. black to white and every color in between of skinbag is off as if their sculptor was vomiting drunk when they were designed. i hear laughter at nothing. a false excitement to consume. once they consume they throw away half of their over priced meal while complaining how stale it was. they seem to also hate their lives of over working to simply consume. or they've retired to a life of constant consumption. why would they want to live like this? i see pregnant women. why would they bring more life into this nightmare of unhealthy stupidity. their half-wit boyfriends/husbands watch me as they walk by to see if i'm going to check out the mutated blob of cottage cheese they have sex to in hope someone shares the same perversion as them. there's nothing more to experience. please stop. i try to remember a time in life i enjoyed. i enjoyed playing with my son Skye. i enjoyed making music and movies. that's gone. these people are so gross. i've probably gained 10 pound since i've been in hawaii just because i can't afford to eat healthy fruits, nuts, beans and berries... where is the FRUIT?! i'm wondering if i'm seeing the effects of nuclear testing on the micronesian islands. i see more mentally and physically retarded people per capita than i've ever seen in my life. i feel less intelligent having to deal with the skinbags around me. i try to remember the Knowing that this is all a mental reflection... i must be a fat retarded idiot because that's what i perceive reflected back. shut up you drooling skinbag. what you have to say is unintelligible and probably pointless. you disgust me. i disgust me. do i have to kill myself again to get rid of my reflection of all the pain i perceive in these utterly disgusting wastes of consciousness?