
@sheik27 generally speaking, I make nothing from these contests. In fact, I recognize a loss, and fund the prize money from my other writing (Five Nuggets series, US Tax Considerations series, Subcultures and Social Trends series, Centennial State Diaries series, etc.). In fact, as the price of STEEM and SBDs have been falling, I even increased the prize pool. So it's a bit insulting to insinuate I am making something from this contest.

If you're curious about how much I hold in my wallets, it's a public record on the blockchain, just as is every other individual's wallet. Feel free to check it out if you are so inclined.

firstly, i appolize to you if i hurt by any comments, i comments only about if i ask a stranger about their wallet they wont tell what i ask, i just read your and write from youe article, its my misstake.