
That video is genius. So simple and I think nice to show to the kids and young adults.

Give this one a whirl.

Oh I been wanting to watch this. Larken has been going on and on about it on his social media accounts. Glad it's out for free now.

It's pirated, Larken doesn't get paid, but as an anarchist, that shouldn't be an issue to him.
I've had the an-crap is an oxymoron argument with him, and he doesn't get it.
That makes him a shill, controlled opposition.
Despite any 'good' he might do for the cause.
He does make good videos.

It's a shame he won't do the deeper reading to fully understand what anarchism really is about.
Freedom from rule by force.
He's all about exploiting folks for the inability to perform tasks.

Can't build a guitar?
Pay double, or more, what one is worth and I will build it for you.
Crapitalism in action.

All my movies and books are pirated lol.

I gave that Anarcho-crapitalist a read through once before but it has been years since then. History shows that in capitalism, crap|it|all|lusts will inevitably use gangs and the type to strangle out competition. Wouldn't be long if a world "without government" would turn into what we have now under a system of that sort. I'm still on the deeper reading path myself. I feel it will never end. Always learning from many anarchist perspectives. At the least we can agree on one solid point as you have said many times, "rule by force is the disease."

As for him exploiting people, i was unaware of such. I guess I got some blinders still.

I met guitar builders. Many say they would still build guitars even if they didn't get paid to do it. They do it because it is what they love doing. If only everything was available for free to those who put in the real work at the least for the society, he or anyone could have a guitar even if they don't know how or to busy to learn to make one. Not everyone can make a fine guitar but almost everyone can make one and one that can function.

Cheers mate

Yes, I agree most guitar makers love their craft, mowing grandma's lawn is a better analogy.

Grandma worked for 7usd an hour for her entire life and now is retired.
She has to pay 25usd an hour to get her lawn mowed.
This is a result of inflation(bankster theft) and the lawn mower exploiting her inability to mow the lawn for profit.
Rather than take advantage(profits) from another's inability to perform a task, mutualism is a better option.

It still requires that all work to some to be established minimum, presuming average health and stamina, but it allows all to take from the accumulated production what they need.
Grandma needs her lawn mowed and the lawn care guy needs some shoes.
Under anarchist communism lawn mowers and shoe makers would be shamed if they couldn't supply the demand.
When there are too many shoes, or not enough yards to be mowed, do something else.
As only 20k to 25k hours of mutual production are needed from each individual to supply the overall worldwide demand, nobody should have to work more than 4 hours a day, or 20 hours a week.
The trick is in having a centralized work getting place open to all who have not met their minimum contribution of labor.
Not many people would refuse to work once the logistics of getting them to work, or the work to them, is solved for them by people that do that in order to earn their standard minimum of labor contribution.

This management system allows retirement to a jetset lifestyle at 50, rather than cat food sandwiches in the trailer park at 65.

cat sandwiches xD.

Anyways, yeah I get it. A central get together. People could put in a demand for work and the volunteers could fill that order because everyone gets everything for free. Would be hard to get out of that system once in place, especially a one that will benefit everyone. We get our lawns mowed by those who can and while others do what they can they can get from the warehouse what they could not do. Such as food, clothing, tools, etc.

We all make decisions based on what is more pleasurable