I want to save the reward pool from scammers, so please give me all the votes

in #rewardpool7 years ago (edited)

Here is my snarky post that I will regret:

There is a message coming from several witnesses and whales that they are somehow saving the reward pool by taking it.  

I will not call out specific names, because mostly it is people who are doing mostly good things, who probably have good intentions.

When you punish the abusers by taking the rewards for yourself, you are taking rewards from the entire community,  those who are trying to create excellent content and those who are trying to scam and spam are equally impacted.  Maybe consider upvoting other good Authors would be a better solution?

If you want to use your stake and position to earn, I respect that.  If you pretend you are doing it as some type of service, it's a turn off to me.

We have the tools to fight spam and abuse, and they are upvotes and downvotes and curation.



It's all weird and in-reverse thinking that's ultimately only serving personal interests. At least that's how it looks.

I mean, if you have all that SP, instead of creating some damn upvote bot that can be used to rape the system, why don't you just lease that same SP in 50K blocks to known and trusted manual curators? OK, so you might make 20% less, but at least your efforts will go towards the long term stability of the platform.

Yeah, "Protect the reward pool via Me" Is the newest strange thinking on the site.

Meaningful comment...excellent. Looks like you " pull the rope"

There is a message coming from several witnesses and whales that they are somehow saving the reward pool by taking it.

Thankfully, I am oblivious about this.

Jeez, I thought I left high school years ago...

Well... crypto isn't known for its maturity. :)

Lol you can say that again. How are ya whatsup?

I am good! How are you? Good to see you.

Its good to see you too, I am fantastic and I am glad to hear you are well.

We don't have effective tools to police abuse. Current tools require high resource cost from policers (time, attention and network resources). People can try to create bots to police abuse, but it's a perpetual cat and mouse game with the advantage to abusers.

Even those willing to dedicate their stake to policing abuse often end up giving up as a result. It's one thing to dedicate your stake to it, it's another to dedicate all your time and attention on top of it.

It doesn't make the argument make sense. Build tools, support those who are doing the work or building the tools.

You can use your stake how you like. I support that. Pretending you are "saving" anything just hurts your creditability.

I'm not "pretending" anything. I also never made the argument you described in your post.

Yeah, my comment did sound like it was directed at you.. I didn't really mean for it to sound like that. It was more a yelling at those saying that.

I've heard that message too. "Since I'm powering up then the reward pool is going back into itself" but you know what? I wish I was one powering up some of that money. Maybe instead they should distribute that money to all of their followers instead of powering it up.

I am fine with them using their stake how they want. The "I'm doing this for you" Sounds like a drug addict telling me they snorted the last bit of coke, to save me from the dangers of coke.


I know, ain’t that something of a delima, dear one?! I’m slightly ( a sensitive) so that has created a bit of an obstacle for me because as much I’d want to invest times to creating good or even great contents, there’s a part of me that says that doesn’t always matter. The inner conflicts on Steemit has left me all spread out with one foot in while another foot out.

With that being said, I can’t take this platform seriously but then sometimes I want to. I dunno.

It is an interesting experiment. I used to guess a lot about where we would end up. As long as we continue to increase our traffic and have at least some members of the community creating content and trying to build the site the rest is mostly just noise.

I have an inability to shut up sometimes. :) I just want them to know I know it is BS. I think some of them have started to believe themselves.

I really do not think it matters. My "vision" is that investors are going to be interested in the product and the audience. They will not care about our politics.

What I appreciate is that you publicly ask these questions and raise awareness of the BS @whatsup. Myself and others believe the same thing but as minnows, all it takes is one miffed whale to crush us and blow us off the platform.

Well, I always think I am going to get smashed also. I try to be fair, but I find when something is ticking me off, I can't hold it in. :)

Good news, If I ever get crushed... It was fun while it lasted.

I'm more inclined to raise my minnow pitchfork and charge (with the rest of my fellow minnow peasants) into oblivion if I'm being courageously led by a whale. With all the pokemon fury I can muster... "whatsup, I choose YOU!"

Well, our words are our pitchforks and for every person they please they offend more. ;)

When you punish the abusers by taking the rewards for yourself, you are

a grumpy cat

lets face the truth, everyone is here on steemit to make money and most don't care about fair distribution of the reward pool but how much one can get from it. its sad

Well, not everyone... there is deeper community stuff going on too.
But for the most part, your correct. Everyone cares too much about what they can take personally... i guess thats true with life.
Steemit is a good social experiment to show human flaws and our selfish nature

Agreed, it isn't everyone.

I completely support you and you are the person who is not afraid to say about the abuses on the platform, it's worth the vote and respect! Thank you @whatsup

Obliviously this is a good thing! I am in, if whales (good ones) decided to perform a killer whale against rapers then as a dolphin I will join too! I already told you about this nah :D Good idea friend!


I don't see the whales as bad, in fact I think most of them have good intentions. I don't get the impression many of them have been in business or had money before. I don't know of course.

I try to call out the action vs. the "people".

Not all of them, but few of huge SP holders! After all this is money, we all love that!
adopt a minnow, my sister was busy with her studies (it's really hard to be a medical student in Sri Lanka) but she said she will try to be your minnow this time! I will meet her today and hope she will contact you today!


personally here just want to work and earn income from my work. But what you say I also understand, because I have not really understood with the way of stock or so. I am also still a beginner here, with your writing this can be my motivation to know more about this. Thank you friend.

That makes perfect sense. The abusers must get punished for what they do and not additionally for the anger of the author. These abusers are present in each and every system and STEEMIT is not different. It's has its defense mechanism.

Good job @whatsup.

Steem On!

There's plenty of deserving, but underrewarded posts on here. I'd like to see certain whales supporting those rather than themselves

It's nice that there are people willing to stick their neck out and point out the obvious. The least defensible thing I've seen was somebody flagging content that they felt did not deserve its rewards and at some point turning around and starting to upvote their own comments for rewards.

You can either get your high horse, or you can get maxing out your profits with your own vote, but you don't get to do both.

"I'm a Steem whale and I'm here to help."

Now where have I heard this before....

First off!

Image result for preach gif


If the people "raping the reward pool" just paid the fee to the upvote bots so the whales got their cut like taxes or a "protection fee" would the same people be complaining?

Is "raping the reward pool" the same as "cutting into my proffits"?

Has compitition become a sin to the whales? People that make better content that get more views and comments are cutting into proffits of people that make mediocre at best content but feel because they premined a buch of power before all mining stopped and the public got access that they are the ones that are entitled to choose what is quality based of their single subjective rulings?

The market should be the decieder of what something has a value of, not 3-4 whales that think their subjective opinions have anything to do with the value of something.

IDK, i really liked your post.

well said

Sometimes, others im just ranting stupid.

Hey Skeptic,

I dislike "fighting and the drama" and also, I am annoyed that it seems to be some sort of message they think the crowd is buying. I had to say it once, now I can move on.

Yeah. Its best for sanity to avoid the madness too. lol

When do we get Hot young chick of the week picts again?

haha! I thought about that the other day. We might be big enough now to support another round of that. It was pretty fun.

That was good fun.

Resteemed 👍

Sounds kindof like Uncle Sam. "Let me hold 35% of your paycheck......just in case you need it later." LOL

If you want to use your stake and position to earn, I respect that. If you pretend you are doing it as some type of service, it's a turn off to me.

Its a perfect line and I too have experienced this sort of thing in this community.


Well Someone has to make the move even if it is worse 

all i can say @whatsup

With great powers comes great Responsibility 

Its the time for all the people in the community to come together and fight for this thing Some time just one step is enough to start the movement something towards big 


Actually, I find it very hard for me to trust someone that said "i am doing this for your own good", the only person that love me so much for doing that was my own mother, and even then she was doing what she believed was the best for me but that doesn't make it right anyway, even the to best of intentions

If you want to use your stake and position to earn, I respect that. If you pretend you are doing it as some type of service, it's a turn off to me.

I also think the same, i am just a new user here and i don't want to enforce my own opinions to anybody else, i think it is best if just shared them, there is not point in making everyone think the same as i do, even regarding what i think it is a good content or a bad one.

A better way for saving the reward pool (and a more trust worthy way) from scammers would be promoting and helping new user, that are good authors and good curators, a central power figure will always lead to unchecked power, and one person has all the power good luck trying to bringing it down when his interest don't align with the users.


Oh, these pesky whales... always having some new scheme up their sleeve.

So true. You are right that the community is the police force on Steem!

Thank you Sir for this important article, Most people here are interested in making money only But there are people Awad for create excellent content They use tricks to make money (spam comment .....)
There is another Shi lack of respect for private property They use images that are not their own

have a good day

I don't think it is most, but there are "some". They have a lot of power also.

Yes, this is something that I want to mention. Some of the people here in the community are distinguished. I work in the publication hours in its publication. One of the topics is unfounded. They do me an upvote. I have my own comments. But unfortunately, no results of this.

The platform is no longer an old one, but the number of abusive members is very high.
70 level people share 10 posts per day and vote for themselves

I only know one that is engaging in this behavior.

Yes you are right.. I am with you.. Thanx for sharing @whatsup

We have to fight the nuns and the slugs and do as much as we can to bring us to the top @whatsup

Think good and get good. If the world is spinning, it's still for good people's sake. all the best!

i too agree with you..but i dont know that, it the only thing we can do..but yet it is the best thing we can do :)

This post has received a 3.00 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

True. Whales should be generous. Minnows always look up to them for support. That's how we can build a good community. Desperation and greed can lead to spammers.

True.But the fact is that do we use those tools to fight spam and abuse?

Hey @whatsup, so true, every Whale out there who is "trying to prevent reward pool rape" is actually just trying to stop others taking money they want for themselves.

Also just wanted to let you know that I nominated you take part in the 7 day Black and White Challenge in my last post.

This post has received gratitude of 1.10 % from @appreciator thanks to: @whatsup.

Some more polishing is required to fine tune the reward pool and as it is decentralized platform , this sort of thing could offer challenge, but I am quite sure some solution will also emerge out at some point of time.

Thank you @whatsup and Have a great day.

I think when steem and SBD price goes up, some sort of noise also heard and people used to be self centric, I can still remeber those days when steem and SBD are 1 usd, the curation was really independent and true to the etiquettes of this community, but as the price goes up, people have turned selfish and money minded.

Steem on...and stay blissful....

protect the reward pool for those who are doing hard work here

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment