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RE: Since it's now acceptable to reward yourself.

in #rewardmyself7 years ago

I think that @sweetsssj's posts are not worth the $700 + each that they receive however in her defense she's only posts once every 2 days not 10+ times per day.

What would you think if 16 or 17 groups of people mimicked the @haejin/@ranchorelaxo system. Say these groups all did an exact replica of the current situation and all received 6% of the pool each.

Would you still defend the 16-17 accounts receiving nearly the entire reward pool each week?


so this 3 sentence TA from haejin really is worth that ?
come on you should know better.

Steemit is still relatively young. Fluid, dynamic and aggravating - yes. I feel it will all sort itself out.