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RE: Hive Blog Rewards Will Need to Go

in #reward-pool10 months ago

Remove the rewards pool and Hive dies, period. I would be extremely surprised if it doesn’t. I know I would personally unvote any witness that is going to this idea and move my businesses elsewhere.

AI is already everywhere, you are not going to stop it, and then removing the rewards would also chase away most actual humans that are participating. There would really be no incentive at all at that point to continue creating on Hive.

Let’s not split hairs here. This is a business for most of us in one way or another, you remove my ability to make income from this platform and it is essentially worthless.


AI is already everywhere, you are not going to stop it, and then removing the rewards would also chase away most actual humans that are participating. There would really be no incentive at all at that point to continue creating on Hive.

AI isn't near the level now that it will be in 3-5 years. It will be on par with the best human writers in the world. The incentive to post with AI is directly proportional to the rewards you will receive.

No it's not there yet, but removing the thing that makes Hive actually attractive is really a stupid thing to even consider. So because some users may elect to use AI, you are wanting to penalize all users and basically take away what makes this chain attractive in the first place.