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RE: Hive Blog Rewards Will Need to Go

in #reward-pool10 months ago

Before you know it people will be using AI to create video games on Hive
And then people will play those games and allocate money to them.
Then they'll use AI to build infrastructure.
Before we know it everyone will be using AI to generate value on the network.
Can't have that.


Why not?
In the past there were no electronic calculators available, to use one of them was considered as cheating (in school). Now it is common to use them and the world didn´t collapse. If one day it will be normal to use AI for everything, so be it! This attitude of not allowing AI reminds me to the teachers banning those devices back in the 1980ies. Completely pointless.
AI is a tool. As long as AIs are not conscious and are not draining Hive to spend it on their own purposes (e.g. backup batteries😄) there is nothing to fear. If AI-generated content is so good that one can´t differentiate it from human, if I am entertained by the content and learned something, so be it.

Chalk it up to sarcasm not translating well on the Internet and across languages.

It doesn't matter where the source of value comes from.
If it's from AI nobody cares.

Lmao, if only people understand this comment of yours, this whole AI bullshit would come down a notch😂.

AI might hurt us, let's kill ourselves first!!!!!

Wait I saw this in a Furturama once! Take heed a brainwave of genius!