Prepare for the Decentralization Revolution - Why and How - Bitcoin

in #revolution7 years ago (edited)

Economic disparity, war, racism, climate change, social breakdown..etc… all the misery and perils in this world are interconnected by a broader system. A system in which the concentration of economic and political power is held by a handful of unelected ruling elite, who are largely unknown to the general public. They do not have any particular allegiance to a nation but rather strive to achieve world domination by wealth confiscation. They have contrived a system that has been exploiting all worldly resources for over a century. This system leads to the corporatization, and commoditization of every sphere of life – religion, education, health, culture, nature, science…leading to the gradual destruction of all life on earth.

It is not due to organic growth nor law of nature that the worlds wealth is concentrated and continues to grow in the hands of a few.

A free market economical system that allows equal opportunity of self-determination for all individuals is usurped by this system. This system incentivizes rent-seeking behavior such that it has infiltrated deep into our social order, to the point that many believe there are no alternatives.

Uprising movements such as climate change marches, gender equality campaigns, anti-war protests etc… alone are not effective enough to break the power grid network that supports this system from which all these issues arise.

Economic disparity and geopolitical instability are reaching historical proportions worldwide, but we now have a very powerful tool to fight it– the internet. It gives us the ability to spread awareness and collaborate globally via social and independent media platforms. The great new innovations that will continue to come from the growing awareness and collaboration are the technological and social revolutions driven organically by human ingenuity and need.

Just like the Gutenberg press triggered the evolution of human awareness and innovation, the internet is doing the same but at a much faster pace.

Bitcoin blockchain cryptocurrency is a new and such great innovation on the internet. Its creation introduces the concept of decentralized, permissionless, censorship resistant, and anonymous form of peer to peer exchange of value. It was designed to replace the banks, by giving individuals autonomy over managing, storing and spending their own money.

Monetary autonomy is so powerful, it can provide the means for self-determination in all aspects of life.

For those who understand how money works - are well aware that the monetary system established by the ruling elite, through the creation of central banks and fractional reserve banking, is the fuel that has been charging the network that supports the ruling elites power grid. Their fiat-based financial system survives on people using it and abiding by its regulations. While people continue to relinquish their monetary autonomy to the state and its banks – the status quo remains.

Providing a monetary autonomy option to all individuals is THE greatest revolution. The decentralization concept Bitcoin blockchain technology introduces has started an awakening - more and more people questioning the present monopolized system, visionaries creating a future based on new paradigms...birth of new markets…publication of books….conferences and conventions worldwide…institutional adoptions... - all influenced by Bitcoin blockchain technology.

The Bitcoin blockchain technology has started a revolution of chaotic organic growth of an eco-system involving programmers, hackers, innovators, libertarians, economists, scientists, academics, financial experts, speculators.. This has the established ruling elite with their failing corrupt banking system scrambling to maintain control by spreading fear about bitcoin with disinformation and threats of regulations and bans.

Going into 2018 and beyond - the geopolitical power struggles, global economic instability and financial collapse, will force the ruling elite to take further drastic, even draconian, steps - censoring internet and social media platforms, blocking independent media sources, freezing and seizing bank accounts and funds. With a final plan to replace all cash by a centralized form of cryptocurrency in order to achieve complete capital controls. All and any steps will be taken to maintain their power, with the ultimate power being the monetary system.

So, prepare yourself for the possible counter steps by the ruling elite - through the central banks and governments they will attempt to crush this revolution.

Take the time to learn about the Bitcoin blockchain technology - its concepts for decentralization of money and how to use it. Learn what further innovations from bitcoin and emerging cryptocurrencies will bring forth in smart contracts and decentralized applications and platforms – and how all this will greatly disrupt the status quo.

The bitcoin blockchain technology and its concepts will not eliminate the established system overnight, but it will continue to have impact and evolve at a very fast pace. How far it will go and how it will evolve is not certain - what is certain is that it has started something.

This technological revolution is confusing, seemingly disorderly, with a lot of disruptions from all sides. Some will be threatened by its implications, some will be inspired by its potential, and some will remain confused – But everyone, eventually will become aware of it.

To best position yourself in this revolution, you must first understand the technology beyond the hyped speculation, confusion and fear. There is abundant information and leaders in the space, here are a few to start with -
Andreas Antonopolous
Trace Mayer
Simon Dixon
Saifedean Ammous