The revolution, the chess analogy, and race.

in #revolution7 years ago (edited)

Enclosed is a video that made some points but is fundamentally flawed. I'll post the video and my response to it. (Maybe in the post, maybe in the comments, we'll see how this works)

he made some really good points, right up until his very last statement. "white goes first". Ok literally a second ago he was talking about a revolution, turning around and overthrowing the masters to enact a new form of government. Then he pushes his chess analogy (which is fundamentally racist to begin with) into a bad place. "White goes first" Not only is this a cowardly sentiment, it is supremely short sighted. I'll explain why. The first people to begin a successful revolution, generally end up as the people in power after the revolution is over. Therefore a revolution led by "white" is not really going to estasblish the sort of government "black" wants. You want a successful revolution with equality and positive change for EVERYONE right? Well there is a division, and despite what your television has programmed into your brain, it is not a racial division that is our problem. It is a wealth division, there are a small amount of people with most of the money and rescources. And there is a large amount of people who live off the crumbs and are little better than slaves. Are you sick of working most of your life to die in pretty much the same state of poverty you lived in? Are you tired of weak paychecks, overtime, write ups? Are you sick of feeling like the police don't trust you and are watching your every move instead of protecting you? Are you sick of your government doing shit you never gave them permission to do? Well then. Race doesn't matter, we are all sick of that shit. The racial division in this country is programmed by the media. It is a psychological operation by the ruling elite to keep the poor divided and weak. They understand that if we united, they would not stand a chance. So maybe rethink the whole chess analogy, and look at successful revolutions throughout history. They are a coming together of the lower classes, a uniting of slaves, a movement of the poor. It is NEVER black and white. It is in fact, Grey.