This is for all the inspiration you are, the support you give, the help you provide, the content you create and the quality standards you set. Reviewed, hugged and kissed.
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This is for all the inspiration you are, the support you give, the help you provide, the content you create and the quality standards you set. Reviewed, hugged and kissed.
I love you my beautiful radio star!!!!! Hehhehee
You are such a bright beam of shining light! Your writing is so colorful and your Bulgarian Americanisms make me crack up!!!!! Lololol I'm so glad that we snatched you up for the WW tribe because we would definitely be missing out on all that creative wild energy that you bring!!!!! Hehehe and that just couldn't stand! Who else would sing Russian songs with me????? 😂😂😂😂😂
Thank you for this review!!!! Made me smile from ear to ear ♥️
Thank you! I love to hear good things about me...
Here is another one for you: "Your granny's sloes!", Bulgarian pronounciation [babinata ti trankina], meaning: "Ah, Rubbish!"
I need to memorize this one!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
I love it! Hahahhahahaa