Hey, guys its been a great week, so here is a new block breaker, just this month a team of researcher from India had discovered a new species of pit vipers, what makes this spectacular was that they did not name it after themselves but after a popular character in the Harry Potter franchise. Before we talk about this character, This young researcher had already given an interesting publication titled "Zoosystematics and Evolution".
Alright back to "Salazar Slytherin" for those of us who are new to this name, like I have written above he is a character in our loved Harry Potter stories. Slytherin is one of the founding fathers of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry and he had one of the school houses named after him for his great works. Now, why is he so special you may ask, well this is because it's believed that this particular wizard had a very unique gift to communicate with "SNAKES" there you have, that's why this very special snake was named after him.

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