Romanian craft beer edition!

in #review7 years ago

I know we have a lot of IPA lovers around here. And every time I read alll about the wonderful, crazy, fancy, gorgeous, delicious, amazing beers they drink ( cough...@meesterboom...cough) I feel a little jealous as most of those are impossible to be found around here.

Now it's my time to make you all jealous!



It's time to look at some of my favorite Romanian beers, locally brewed and generally unavailable anywhere else. Because let me tell you, fellas. We got them goods!
What I do love about craft-beer is how beautiful they are. The labels are interesting and provoking. The colors are vibrant and interesting in unexpected combinations. And there is almost always something good to read on the label.
Finally, the names of the IPA beers are charming, most usually quirky and fun.
It's a wonderful thing...


Admit it! You have no clue what these are...

I want to talk about a few of these.

Nowadays I mostly drink IPAs exclusively. I know I sound like a snob! But how can people still drink lagers after touching this hoppy goody?!
The thing is, a lot of my friends did not or - most distressing - if they did, the did not like it. HUH!
But I get it, it's a process to get this. Fruity beer does not sound that appealing at first but then it's like- " How can a beer be anything other than that?! "

The first two are from "Ground Zero". Ground Zero is THE name in Romanian Craft Beer. They started back when the craze did not yet take hold of this humble abode and launched something called "Morning Glory" which was an easy-to-drink, rather good but nothing special IPA. That was a few years back and now they have a broader selection and probably my favorite beer currently.

Ground Zero - Split the Pot


At 7% alcohol content this should feel pretty intense, but it's mellow and innocent, until you realize that against all odds, you are drunk! HOW?! :)

I am not a big believer in "describing" a beer. You need to taste it and see what your taste buds tell you. This is fruity: mango? pinapple maybe, a dry and pleasant aftertaste and a nice color in the glass.
To be honest, while this is good, there are better options in the line-up...this is kind of trying to be something in-between a normal IPA and an imperial IPA and ..yeah "splitting the pot" in poker is usually a "meh" feeling. Kind of like this beer in the context of their offering but about 4/5 in abstract.



My favorite beer by a long shot and for a long time....until today, a better one came along! HUH!
But seriously, this is IMPERIAL indeed. at 9% alc it's also strong as FUCK!
What's surprising is how fruity this is and how the aftertaste is not bitter at all. It's an amazing beer that any IPA lover ought to get his paws on.
Is it the best beer of all time?
Probably not but you know what? I don't give an IMPERIAL FUCK!

HOP HOOLIGANS - Modern Mosaic


Hop Hooligans are the "new kids on the block" as they say. They took the scene by storm, coming out with beer after beer after beer. Crazy labels, crazy names, intense and crazy combinations of aromas. They are fearless and I have to give them props for that. Where Ground Zero kind of stay in their aroma-profile with all their beers, HOP can take you anywhere.

This Modern Mosaic is their take on IMPERIAL Fuck above, but damn it. They might have won this round. They might have won this round indeed!
For now, I only drank this once but I must return to it back to back from imperial fuck and see who wins...if I can still tell.
It's 9.1% alcohol after all.

Zaganu - Adonis


Zaganu is kind of a craft beer but more niched towards mainstream. They started with 2 lager that are kind of expensive by our standards but rather cheap by IPA standards and from there...well, they didn't do much. They have a decent IPA out and now, celebrating 3 years, they came out with this one.
Nice label! This is the Adonis bearded vulture that have just been spotted around here for the first time in a long time. It was fitted for this label( which names is a mountain Peak where this bearded beauty can be found ) to use this and they did in style. I love this label.
Great beautiful label.
A weak and disappointing beer...oh man, I have nothing good to say about this.
Really artsy label!

Stela - Romanian Pale Ale


This is a new addition to the IPA beers. It's actually a RPA! First time I'm hearing of this actually and found it at the supermaket. With no expectations I decided to give it a chance. I mean, how could can a mass-produced IPA be?

And it's so cheap: at 1$ vs 3$ most IPAs here [ 4$ for the imperials!! ]. How could can it be, really?

Sure "Stela" is a pretty good Romanian beer label and their beers are actually tasty and interesting. But can they have done this good as well?

They had!
It's tasty and wonderful and easy on the palate but never letting you forget that this IS a PaleAle. A romanian one? I am not sure I can tell the difference, but it's the perfect beer to introduce the new people to IPA and even to drink a few if you feel like it without breaking the bank. Love it.

I also love the label, which is in Romanian but it says - and this is a great conclusion for this post as well.

The beer is new. The love for beer is old.

So true.

There are 2 pages

i love mosaic, Hop Hooligans id like to try!

oh man. I just researched a bit into "mosaic" hop. It's certainly my favorite..i just did not know it has a name!!

dont have to thank me :)

:)) it's awesome to learn stuff...soon I might have to brew one myself :P

Razvan I told you we have many things in cummon. I'm a big fan of craft/unfiltered beers. For almost 2 years I've been drinking only this. And the ocasional wine.
You have to tell me where where to find these. Are u ever on

This post received a 1.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kingmotan! For more information, click here!

same here buddy, stay in touch

what a tasty looks :)

looks? TASTES :D
Next one's on me ;)

These labels and names are awesome! I am going to see if I can find them at my local BevMO store. I sure hope I can. I am usually drinking West Coast style IPA's and would love to try something new.

Never had the opportunity to drink them. In fact, never heard about all these beers but this summer I'll be in Romania (I was born there) and can't wait to try some of them! Thanks for this man, from a beer lover!!

Wow... Learning about new stuff in each and every post. I hope to enjoy my stay on this platform. Kudos @razvanelulmarin on your explanation to this beer. I think I will try to taste the groundzero split the pot... if I come across one. It has a catchy name though 😉

The bottles remind me of Dr Bronner's bottles, but without all the fun crazy talk.

I love this wonder soup! discovered it like 1 month ago and use it for everything :) [ not brushing my teeth with it though ]

you gotta try brushing your teeth with it. minty and disgusting.

What!!!! hmmm haha

i want some =D

The ale beers has a great flavor good pics good story good post :)

I like a nice pale ale, nothing better. Great post man.

:) I know you can appreciate a beautiful label! Thanks!!!

More than that, my first work experience was at a brewery!

Wow, a good cold German beer for you...haha

So glad @buzzbeergeek resteemed this! Love me some IPAs, especially the strong ones, Imperials, Doubles, etc. Definitely have me jealous that I won't be getting these anytime soon...hoping the review I put up tomorrow will have you just as jealous though! Following.

Ah, just glad to be able to share beer love. Thank you for your kind mention!

Glad we linked up early for sure, and glad my feed is filled with awesome beers :) gets me through the workday!

:)) the beer greek is awesome!!!
I'm a bit jealous on people who can get a different beer every day and never run out of options

I may fall into that category...thankfully I have Steemit to share these beers with the world! Can't keep them all to myself.

Imperials are all the rage lately! I do like them but there are so many styles that don't get nearly enough attention! I'll try to diversify in my reviews!

I like yours and especially the imperials! I love to start an evening with those! Except when tasting, then it's better to go from lower ABV to higher!

Cheers man!

really? I mean it makes don't want to be too drunk too soon...but then, I wasn't tasting. I was drinking :))

Glat to hear you're a fan. followed!

Yeah, sure. Good way to kickstart the evening. Know that for sure ;)

Heavy alc dulls the senses so it's harder to make sense of nuances in taste. Especially important when you are in beer fests and you sip like 1 dcl of 30 beer. You get much farther if you pace it with low alc. However, last time it was all a blur after 15th :D

Resteemed, hope we can chat some hops again soon!

I want a beer that will make my wife beautiful. Cheers!

:)) this is hilarious.
You're gonna need a lot of beers.
:))) just kidding, man. I'm sure she's gorgeous.

I know she's gorgeous man, thanks....when I'm drunk...

I wanna taste them all if they are available in my country.

You might need to visit a few very specialized stores.
Than they'll ask for the secret code to give you acces to their BACKroom.
There, and only there, you might find one of these. You can buy one.
You can never return.
Chose wisely.

For years I always wished I liked wine so I could be a wine snob - so glad we can finally be beer snobs thanks to the microbrewing craze. Will have to try some of these! (A bunch of my pals are Romanian as well.)

Absolutely, me too

HA! that's amazing actually, isn't it?
We can be even BETTER snobs! Ask your friends to bring some if they visit Romania!
Where you from?

I am personally not a huge beer drinker, but you have me thirsty. Also, I always enjoy your post and am just so swamped that I cannot comment enough. I am very glad to be on this ride with you!!

Haha, those beers can go with a good meal and grilled meat...yummy yummy, yum

this means a lot to me, gringy! You are one of my favorite as well and I don't always catch all your posts nor do I get a lot of time lately to comment as much as I'd want myself!
10x a lot!!

Interesting post! Have a feeling I might like the Ground Zero - Imperial Fuck better.

who wouldn't?! :))

That bottle is designed in a way to tempt you:)

These look amazing!! I think I can get hop hooligans in Glasgow. Will try to get some Ground Zero!

:D I hope you find one. if not...damn it. I'll ahve to bring you one :D:D:D:D:

In that case, I cannae find any ;0)

I wanna try one!

---> Romania.

seems like most IPA beers just sit on the shelf at the grocery store. I myself like a good IPA, but they need to put more of them into circulation. A lot of them (like the ones you have shown) are not available in the midwest, but I really wish they were. Keep posting, buddy!

Zaganu beer is very good. I really like unfiltered beer!

Tasty looking beer selection.

I hear what you are saying about lagers - I was of a simialr mind, until... I went to Munich , and tried Helles lager brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot (Bavarian Purity Laws). These kick the s**t out of all other lagers, they have a nice sweetness & malty balance.

You should check out #beersaturday . Doing our bit to promote beer with a little background!

Same here...Augustina Hell in Munich ..hiyyaaaa

Would love to visit and taste them all especially ground zero hehe. Very good one ..I guess that they will be perfect for a summer grill, isnt it? Upvoted and glad that am following you in order to see more from you and send in my support

@razvanelulmarin did you tried Sara (blonde/black)? It's also a good romanian crafted beer. I found it in Timisoara.

noup! I'll look around for it. Thanks for mentioning. Nice to hear you've been to Timisoara!

Romanian law considers beer and wine to be foodstuffs and therefore they are not subject to the usual tariffs and restrictions imposed upon alcoholic beverages.

I wish a beer that will make my girlfriend beautiful :)

Never heard of craft beers from Romania or countries in Eastern Europe. Only I know is Estoniann beer brand called "Põhalja" famous for its imperial stout genre. Pretty cool stuff you have tasted :)

I am Korean beer aficionado and try to meet, communicate with beergeeks from other parts of the globe. Nice to see you!

Never seen these before! There are so many different IPAs! But an IPA is always an IPA

actually very true!

Look good indeed

Would love to taste some of that beer !!!!!! Here in Zim my favorite is BLACK LABEL

same here, hehe

I am romanian and I love beer! Cheers!

Great, stay in touch

Interesting choice - open for any new beer inventions :-) - Great post.

Me too, have lots of good German beer in my celler...Sehr Schön

Took a trip to Romania in college and everybody there drank this hot wine stuff, it was pretty good actually, especially when it was cold. Can't believe the Romanians are pumping out IPA now. I don't drink too much, but if I ever see Ground Zero, I'll know where it came from!

Want that one tooo, stay in touch

Good one indeed

Will do charles, following ya now.

same ..we will certainly stay in touch

Great blog! Check out my new post @the.dajboz follow me! :)

WHUT!??!? There's romanian beer??? Learning new things all day everyday right here on #steemit . Thanks for the post, really opened a new social topic for me. I'm going to get a lot of " wow's " now.

The beer is new. The love for beer is old. Old golden love. Cheers!


I am looking for a non-alcoholic beer because I do not drink. I drinked before but did not liked the effects.

Salutare Razvan!!!

Am dat Upvote si Follow, super postarea.
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Want to taste one of these :D

I agree with you about the labels on craft brews, they have interesting artwork and usually have something interesting to read. Thanks for enlightening me about Romanian pale ales!

excelent MUAHAHAHA

NIce...know any places that sell this in Budapest ?

Let me know too if you find out..stay in touch

Damn.... I should try those when I visit Romania..... Jealous right now :/ Cheerssss

And I love Latvian beer, it's alive!

Heared its good too

Can't say that I love beer, but I do love cool bottles! These are neat!

Good point, haha lets stay in touch

Indeed! I just followed you (Thought I did that earlier! Oops!)

Same here...we will certianly stay in touch

Same here...we will certianly stay in touch

Happy sunday.

This is what we drink here :)

Mmm I love beer, This was a nice post (: followed

I love IPAs! Just the smell of the hops is great. I have to watch though with that high alcohol content that many of them have. Just can't handle drinking like I used to. Good article.

Am so jealous, wish u can send me a few bottles of those beers. Thank you for sharing

I personally like beer, and its pretty much one of the few alcoholic drinks that ill drink besides Whiskey,and Vodka. I dislike wine of any type it just doesnt taste good.

Really interesting! I really love craft beer but I don't have enough money so most of the times I'm forced to buy the cheapest, lol. I got thirsty now, but cheers to YOU :)

nice one @razavanelulmarin
Those beers are quite interesting.
Have some questions... Do you have them chilled? whats the alcoholic content like...
for me i love mine chilled

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