1. MGMT - Little Dark Age (2018, United States)
I did not pretend that MGMT was always the band of Oracular Spectacular. What I did pretend is that they were a consistent band and that always, however different their new music was, was good. It was all I asked for, but the disappointing album of the same name from 2014 arrived and, truthfully, I lost all interest. The first singles of this album did not improve the matter either. They did not seem like a great thing, but they were even better than the mentioned and infamous album.
However, when listening to the whole album, I realized that it was a case like American Dream by LCD Soundsystem, that the singles did not surprise me, but the album as such did look good. In the end I understood that MGMT managed to evolve and make, again, an interesting album, although more errant than its incredible debut. Pity that we have had to listen to everything that is not Oracular Spectacular, to find us with a surprise record, eighty, accessible and, at the same time, psychedelic, with the usual musical framework of the two geniuses that make up MGMT. Thanks, Andrew and and Ben.
2. U.S. Girls – In A Poem Unlimited (2018, United States / Canada)
Un disco que pareciera tener reservado su puesto en los conteos de lo mejor del año. La forma de hacer música pop de Meg Remy es tan espectacular como nostálgica por el sonido de los noventa, el cual repotencia y redimensiona con estribillos misteriosos y una musicalización rica y variada, al tiempo que Remy brinda un mensaje importante sobre feminismo y femineidad, mezclado con violencia, crudeza y poder, demostrando que tiene cosas importantes que decir, al tiempo que te hace bailar.
Here is the link to the album.
3. Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (2018, Estados Unidos)
Will Toledo did it again, with an album that already existed and just wanted to improve it. With better recording techniques and a more refined sound, the leader of Car Seat Headrest takes the songs from his 2011 album Twin Fantasy, and reconstructs them in a superb way, leaving intact his burden of crudity and teenage angst and sound like composed in his room that his music has always distilled. A sample that the good can always be better, and that this project promises to continue giving us great things.
Here is the link to the album.
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First time i just knew MGMT when Spider-man Homecoming trailer released
Wow, that's awesome! MGMT are incredible!