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RE: Digital Archaeology: IBM 300GL

in #retrocomputing3 years ago

I have similar memories with a 133 MHz Pentium 1 PC with MS-DOS 6.22, with Windows 3.11, and with a lot of video games. It was one of the best parts of my childhood. This was not ours, but this was one of the first PCs that I used. I learned to type on it.

I still remember looking for the keys on the keyboard, and now (since many years) I type blindly on keyboards. I also used a 66 MHz PC in that time with Windows 95 and with some video games. Our first PC that we owned was a 400 MHz Pentium II PC with Windows ME (Millenium Edition). We received a lot of video games on CD-ROMs, and we also copied a few games on floppies from the previously mentioned 133 MHz Pentium 1 PC.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.