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RE: Digital Archaeology: IBM 300GL

in #retrocomputing3 years ago

Gosh I remember the day I first got to use a 100mhz PC and I was so excited. It was like science fiction come to life. I'd been following the progress via work computers because at the time I had a 12mhz 286! First we had a bunch of 386, 486, 33mhz, then gradually faster and faster until that milestone.

Amazing to think how far we have come today!


From the first 100 MHz processor to the first 1 GHz processor was almost exactly 6 years. I jumped from 1 MHz (Commodore 64) to 66 MHz to 333 MHz to 900 MHz (I for get if that's exactly right...It was a Duron). After that it was probably something close to 2 GHz (Athlon XP).

I remember a couple of years after I got my 486 DX2 66 lusting after the Pentium 133/150/166...the MHz sure increased fast back then.

I have similar memories with a 133 MHz Pentium 1 PC with MS-DOS 6.22, with Windows 3.11, and with a lot of video games. It was one of the best parts of my childhood. This was not ours, but this was one of the first PCs that I used. I learned to type on it.

I still remember looking for the keys on the keyboard, and now (since many years) I type blindly on keyboards. I also used a 66 MHz PC in that time with Windows 95 and with some video games. Our first PC that we owned was a 400 MHz Pentium II PC with Windows ME (Millenium Edition). We received a lot of video games on CD-ROMs, and we also copied a few games on floppies from the previously mentioned 133 MHz Pentium 1 PC.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.