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RE: Recreated Atari 400

in #retro2 months ago

I did see one of the originals back when I was in a computer club in my school days. I'm not sure they were too common in the UK. That thing has thousands of times the storage of the Atari and the processor will be so much more powerful. Things have come a long way.


I only knew one kid with an Atari computer at school but I do remember seeing C64/Atari a lot on game ads so I always assumed they were a big deal :)

I had a Beeb and in the club were people with PET, Spectrum, Dragon, Nascom, Tandy and probably others. There were so many different computers back then. I used to buy all the magazines. Later I got into the Amiga scene.

99% of people I knew had speccy right up to ST and Amiga days where most around us went for the ST due to price but I did want an Amiga … now I’ve probably got too many ;)