I think as we get it started, and begin onboarding clients there is absolutely the opportunity for great content creators to get involved with Oracle-D projects and meet this target as a minimum.
Ultimately it will be about quality. I know, I say it time and time again, but it's true. In Oracle-D there will be no spam or plagiarism, because anyone that does it will just get instantly banned. Boom. Gone. That should be incentive enough NOT to do it. This means that those who actually take the time to consider the task in the projects, and perform it well, proving it in a high-quality way, they should get a good share of the daily upvotes from sizable pots. And to be honest, once we start to get a few of these onboard, there will be absolutely NO reason whatsoever why you couldn't easily meet this target. Thanks for the shoutout for oracle-D.
Right now, what would be really good is to think about who are really good authors in your community, and encourage them to come along to the oracle-d discord https://discord-me/oracle-d so they can get the latest updates.
Im excited @anarcotech! You're essentially creating a job for writers/reviewers here on steemit! I will support and promote this project too. Goodluck!