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RE: Hot Music From Five Star Ent Group Artist TSE

in #rest1006 years ago

Interesting on your opinion but I am on the first ever blockchain label so everything I do is for steem but thanks for todays hate I post daily on steem related topics but your mad I hit trending with music! try making more connections and learning how to use your platform before you cast judgement!


I hit trending


There's no hate there. She's being honest with you.

Basically, what she's saying is: it would be better for your brand if you pushed your quality posts up to trending and saved the shit posts like this one for other occasions. That's some good, quality advice there.

"I hit trending with music"? You didn't hit trending, you paid for the slot. Anyone can do that with a bit of cash. Getting a post on trending isn't an accomplishment, it's an advertisement for your brand. If you're advertising your brand, you gotta make that shit pop. In other words, put some effort into your advertisements and make yourself look good.

Then there's the part about how shit posts on trending can potentially harm our brands, because some people are quick to judge and might assume a few shit posts means it's all shit. Holding yourself to a higher standard when you purchase one of these top trending slots is the way to go. Push quality work up here and you'll be able to build some of those connections you speak of instead of burning bridges.

Lastly, this is the internet. You'll need a thicker skin. Don't let those fake positive comments go to your head, listen to the constructive criticism as well because that's there to help you; it's not hate.

Look at the trending feed have you seen it? 80% bots

I don't care if you used bots. I know people use them. I don't mind either these days. If you buy STEEM to lose your money promoting shit posts to trending, then buy some more and do it again, that means you're working for me. We'd need thousands of you though, doing the same thing, to make any sort of impact on the value of these coins; but thousands of you doing this would kill the place. 1000 posers pretending to be trending famous on steemit, and nobody around to look at your work. So any money you made would be worthless, as well as mine.

Sounds like a personal problem to me🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m just tryna hit a few big ones like the next person

Going in reverse if you insist on shit posting, and you're right, that's your personal problem. You can drive around these nice neighborhoods all you want and dream, but if you don't feel like putting in the work, that's on you. Good luck man.

Agree. every post should be valuable but hundred of persons are doing this kind of shit to make money only. i didn't find anything interesting in this post.

Roughly once a week I have a post break $100 organically - I usually at 5-$10 in bots to help maintain visibility. I'll never pump money into posts like this. After curation - chances are they loose money. Not to mention they didn't even use a STEEM audio app - but sound Cloud......

I didn't even feel the need to reply to his aggressive comment anymore, but thanks for jumping in :-) hit trending made me break into laughter honestly...

Good old times when more people cared about the overall success of this place, rather than their own pocket.

He just did a follow up video to pout about this situation. Took everything out of context. Played the victim card.

Yes, it's completely taken out of context.

I agree this is out of context and an unnecessary misunderstanding.

@surfermarly I will apologize For my hostility I just get very protective over my work and my loyalty to the platform which I hold a very High. I do not apologize for the cheerleader with the painted chest who decided to add his two cents who has no relevance whatsoever

No problem.

You need to learn that we don't downvote people here, we only downvote content.

At no given point in time I have ever been disrespectful with you. I simply disagreed on rewards given on a specific piece of content which I consider being overvalued.

Steem on

CORRECTION : AdsactlyRecords was the first steemit/blockchain record label started by @sirlunchthehost, also do you not research prior to commenting? @surfermarly has more connections than most of us combined. Hence why shes a 72 rep with little to no bidbot usage... Just sayin.

Thanks for jumping in :-) When I read the word hate I disconnected myself since I knew he'd never be able to accept constructive criticism here. I even wrote that at the end, informing him that it was no offense but a suggestion. His problem, not ours.


when I break a guideline ill surely feel obligated to care about opinions that surface only when someone is trending.... get your steem up and you could earn too

As i did for you above bud...i vouch for marly two clearly haven't crossed paths yet.
Good people both of you....shame it is starting out like this.
"hate" is not her intention "rude" isn't yours....try again the both of you please.

dont worry about me. I been earning. If I hadnt... my rep would be below yours? <3

im not I don't associate with ghost

You see dead people?