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RE: Resource-Based Economy... Huh?

in #resourcebased8 years ago

To me it is quite obvious that money is not the problem nor is technology or even guns. The problem is always with how what it is that is used, is used. Guns can be used to save lives and they can be used to take them, money can be used to feed children or to buy children for sex and technology can be used to create a healthier and more happy life or a more lazy and destructive one.
So really arguing capitalism or not capitalism or technology or no technology is a mute point. What we all need to be looking at is values. What are our values, our moral and spiritual ideals. This is what EVERYONE can benefit from. Now yes of course we will still disagree from time to time, but if everything we did we ONLY did or everything we supported or participated in we ONLY did, IF we believed it was morally and spiritually ideal.....Then we would have an ideal or very close to ideal world.
The next essential thing humans must start doing is stop arguing, complaining and fighting. Its ok to be different, in fact its pretty much a guarantee. So how about instead of complaing we ACTUALLY create the world we want to live in and then LIVE in it! Instead of trying to make other people see things our way how about we just live so awesome that people are naturally inspired?!?!
This is what needs to be discussed. I am super excited about this Steemit Platform as it is an awesome example of a capitalistic voluntarist society. WE have the power. Lets make it great!
Here is my first article I just wrote about why it has so much potential to be REVOLUTIONARY!


turning people on and making them free and able to explore their purpose! <3