Pocket Change Theory...

in #reset8 years ago (edited)


I have a Theory about Pocket Change... It's really very simple when you give it some thought... As per my Theory, Common Coinage, or as I like to call it, Pocket Change will increase in Buying Power by 100 Fold, so that a Common Penny will have the same buying power as a One Dollar, Federal Reserve Note...

In my Opinion... Since the Current Dollar has lost 99% of it's Purchasing Power, all Federal Reserve Notes shall be Redeemed (turned in) for one Cent for each One Dollar (Debt) Note... A Hundred Dollar Bill will get you either One New Dollar, or 100 Cents in U.S. Coinage...

There will be a "Redemption Period"... Any Federal Reserve Notes not turned in, (within a yet to be Determined amount of Time) shall be Non-Redeemable... Other than becoming a Conversation Piece in a Collection, it will be"Totally Worthless" as a Medium of Exchange...

You'll be turning yours in on time, so don't let this worry you... The Hundred Cents will have the same Buying Power as the One Hundred Dollar "Federal Reserve Note" it replaces...

Our Coinage, along with a New Paper Dollar, backed by Existing and/or New Coinage will replace all Redeemed Federal Reserve Notes...

All Notes redeemed, shall be "returned" to the Federal Reserve to be Destroyed, as payment of the National Debt... The Notes will be redeemed World Wide... It will be a very smooth RESET, and "no one" will lose Buying Power, due to this Reset and Transfer of Wealth...

It will just take a Smaller number of New Dollars to buy what the Larger number of Federal Reserve Notes once bought... So, out with the Old and in with the New...

The best part of my Pocket Change Theory is that it will still take 100 Cents to make a New Dollar... This will not be the Case with Federal Reserve Notes... It will take 100 Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes, to get One New Dollar, backed by 100 Cents worth of Pocket Change...

Anyway... What makes this all possible, is located in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, which states that Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and "Regulate" the Value thereof...

In other words, we end up with the National Debt Paid in Full, and a New (Debt Free) Dollar, backed by Pocket Change...

Would anyone agree with me, that it might be wise to hold onto a little Physical Pocket Change, before the Reset and Transfer of Wealth...???

Pocket Change....jpg



I now updated my P.C. Theory to include a new U.S. Crypto-Coin, along with a Smart Phone App to Buy, Sell and Trade, "same as" Physical U.S. Coinage and Trade Dollars...

I now call the New (Paper) Dollar, a United States Trade Dollar, but to make it easy, let's just say U.S. Trade Dollar... The Trade Dollar will replace all the Federal Reserve Notes around the World... There will be a Redemption Period... Once redeemed, all Federal Reserve Notes shall be returned to their Rightful Owners as payment of Debt... Those not redeembed before the end of the Redemption Period shall go towards the payment of Debt and shall become Void of any Legal Tender Status...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...

The Paper Trade Dollars will now include Paper Cents...
Start thinking 1 Cent, 5 Cent, 10 Cent, 25 Cent and 50 Cent Notes...
The Highest Paper U.S. Currency will be the One Trade Dollar Note...
All of which will be backed by Physical U.S. Coinage...

Wow... I'm so glad so many people were able to view this one...
I love comments better than upvotes...

As per my Theory, the 4 Cents this Post earned with a little help from me, would have the buying power of 4 dollars if I cashed out and bought Pocket Change...

I'm starting to think people will be reading my posts,
far into the Future... If by chance they leave a new comment,
I'll do my best to upvote them... Thanks for any and all those interested...

Good morning! I was looking at your old posts, you have been on steem It for over two years? The twists and angles of your Theory through that time is amazing!

Start thinking PAPER CENTS... Paper Pennies, Paper Nickels, Paper Dimes, Paper Quarters, Paper Half's and Paper Trade Dollars... It's for those of us who like paying in Cash, but don't want to carry around a Pocket Full of Change...

The Best way to get your hands on U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents, "or" U.S. Paper Trade-Dollars and Paper Cents, will be with Physical U.S. Coinage...

The most expensive way to get your hands on them, will be with Gold, Silver and Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

Good morning. Amendments to your past posts,. The paper cents idea does make sense now, just seemed a strange concept at first.

I figure, people are so used to using paper, plus people like getting paper from the ATM Machines... I personally like getting my Cash from ATM’s... The only trouble I see with Cash, is the lack of Decimal Cents...

Pondering your Theory this am; the middle class and low income people would benefit the most from it. Just think piggy banks for children!

I started out with a Piggy Bank... lol... The People will be on the Receiving End of the Transfer of Wealth, this time... Not the Banksters...

My Dad started a piggy bank for me at about five. Just think of the good that could be accomplished (in the right hands), with your Theory.

Some people will continue to Save their Coinage, and others will think of many good reasons to Spend their Coinage... The Rich tend to Maintain their Wealth, so there's really no telling how fast the Coinage will be turned in for U.S. Crypto or Trade Dollars... Naturally, if you have Bills, you'll end up Cashing in your Coinage... It reminds me of something I heard long ago... To those who have, more shall be given... Of those who have not, what little they do have, shall be taken from them...

We will have U.S. Clad Coinage, U.S. Paper Coinage, U.S. Crypto Coinage, U.S. Bullion Coinage and U.S. Collector Coinage... The ones that contain no Precious Metals will be Backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage, face value for face value...
June 30, 2019... 8.3 Hollywood Time...

Hello again! Many choices per your Theory. It's a beautiful day here in Ohio.

The President made history several times in the last few days: I loved his exchange with the Russian Leader, Mr. Putin. Also, his interaction with the North Korean Leader. I've been praying for The President' safety.

My Wild Imagination says that Trumps Speech at the Lincoln Memorial will be on a Very Big Screen, but he won't be there in Person... I think his Speech and what he's about to Announce to the Central Bank Owners, is so important, that he will be in a Battle Mode Bunker giving Orders...

"Q" wrote... "Be ready."... then... "Has the Stage Been Set?... and last but not least... "FOR GOD AND COUNTRY."... "PATRIOTS FIGHT."...

We're Living in Historic Times...

June 30, 2019... 9.5 Hollywood Time...

Historic times indeed! I would be in a bunker too!