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The idea for a "network" of information reporters is an interesting one. Another podcaster out there has posited a satoshi reward-based version of "waze" - the app that allows people to report on traffic conditions (including important things like road construction, accidents and "speed traps" - where the cops are) in real-time as a service to fellow drivers. The proposal is to add a reward system, paid on a voluntary basis by users, to transfer very small "tips" (i.e. a single satoshi) from the satisfied user to the person who provided the information. "Hey, thanks for posting the location of that speed trap! I was moving at 80mph and slowed down in time to wave to the cop as I passed by safely!"
This same idea could be applied to any information contribution system. I think that it would have to be somewhat stovepiped to keep the information relevant (say, a "electric utility rates" channel or a "government travel restrictions" channel), but the idea of rewarding those who provide good information from those who benefit from same is a good one. Any app geniuses out there?
wish I was...
@10:00 I live in Buenos Aires. By 7:30 pm last Thursday I saw headlines about the failed shooting. I opened none, as she (Cristina Kirchner) has been too much on the news for weeks due to a trial she is going through. Next morning it was trending topic. Screenshots showed sites reporting the incident several hours before it actually happened. The non-shooting was at 9:30 pm, two hours later than the headlines I saw.
It reminded me a scene in JFK where Mr. X tells Garrison about a foreign newspaper with a full black op story of Oswald being the killer, 4 hours prior to the official accusation in Texas.
A video shows Mrs. Kirchner approaching a crowd and suddenly a hand held gun appears at her head, moving to and fro around her face. She closes eyes, touches her hair, looks down, and tries to reach a book that fell off. It looked like what you´d do if your face gets sprinkled, which is why many are calling "water gun" (#PISTOLADEAGUA).
Now the "news" say the gun has no fingerprints, that the gunman´s cell phone has been accidentaly reset to factory settings, there´s no evidence...go figure. Her supporters turned her into a political martyr. It makes sense: Cristina Kirchner sounds like Christ Church in German (Kirche Christi or Christus-Kirche).
great insights. Thanks for the boots on the ground perspective!