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RE: In a World of Distractions You Are The Solution

in #research2 years ago

You keep empathizing where they want to go, where they want our society to be 10 years from now, all transhuman horror. You keep focusing on the negative.
While we, the people, are not gonna take it anymore. We grow stronger every day, and they just won't have their way. They, the obsolete, have already been defeated. And they know it. They just want to take as many of us with them as possible. The way they poison our atmosphere and our soil, our food, our water and our oxygen, they must be reptiles trying to take over our planet. And we win.
We got a lot of cleaning up to do, but we win.
Spiritual cleaning up. We better get started. Focus on the positive. Focus on the ether and on nature. Focus on the higher dimensional. I don't know. Stop giving so much attention to they, the obsolete.


Hmm... The second half of your presentation was much better digestible than the first half. All those ridiculous news items, I understand you want to report them, but it's getting so insane, sometimes it's just too hard to digest, makes me want to climb up the curtains.