Çınar and colleagues (2018) wanted to see the effects of zinc supplementation and weight training on testosterone levels in sedentary men and in athletes.
They recruited 40 subjects (20 sedentary and 20 athletes) and divided them into 4 groups:
- Control Group (S)
- Sedentary with Zinc Supplementation (Z)
- Training Group with Zinc Supplementation (ZT)
- Athletes Group with Weight Training (T)
Researchers measured their baseline free and total testosterone levels and their levels after 6 weeks on the protocol. The groups that supplemented with Zinc took 2.5-3mg/kg/day on top of their diet. A 70kg subject would take between 175 to 210mg of zinc per day. That's a lot! For reference, the RDA for adult men is 11mg per day. So, they supplemented with between 1600% - 1900%. I'd worry about toxicity?!
The third and fourth group trained (by lifting weights) for 90 to 120 minutes, 4 times per week. So, what they found:
- the control group did not a see a significant change in testosterone levels (total and free) - 596 => 605 ng/dL (total)
- the Z group saw an increase in total and free testosterone levels - 604 => 638 (total)
- the ZT group saw an even higher increase - 612 => 654 (total)
- the T group also saw a high increase - 616 => 658 (total)
So, it appears that both the training group (no Zn) and the training group + Zn supplementation saw a similar increase total and free testosterone. Which makes me think if it's really effective supplementing with such a higher dose, or even a dose at all. But, I think I'm answering my own question as the Z group (only Zn supplementation no training) saw an increase in T levels.
They conclude the following:
"6-week zinc supplementation applied with weight trainings 4 times a week in sedentaries and athletes has increased the free and total testosterone levels significantly." [source]
If you're interested in reading the full paper, please follow the link below:
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Cristi Vlad Self-Experimenter and Author
I've always known zinc to be great for the immune system but I didn't realize that it had an effect on T levels. One thing I would warn people though is that high levels of zinc intake can cause pretty bad constipation! Just trust me on this one...
I've been testing with 50mg/day, and even though it is an overdose, I havent had these symptoms.
This was on 200 mg a day. 50mg is a pretty standard dose, I think.
I would be very cautious to take such a high amount. A dose of 200mg per day could lead to a zinc intoxication with diarrhea, vomiting and fever.
Yes, that's a very high amount to dose with on a daily basis. I wouldnt go there either and I'm not really sure what they wanted to prove with such a high dose when they could have tested with 50 to 100 mg per day, which is 500 to 1000%, so still a solid overdose.
Would you think it's better to supplement with higher doses of Zinc on rest days maybe as your testosterone will already be elevated on training days?
I don't know, but I'd like to see some data on that. Currently, I take 50mg daily for overall health purposes. I've been on and off and I do notice a subjective difference.
Nice, i think i need it too
Very good post my friend, thank you for your work in Steemit, greetings brother!
Great your publication, keep it up, brother. Greeting