Beyond the Void releases Fusion and new game from Crypto Database | Renegade Gaming 

 Beyond the Void gives us a sneak peak at Fusion and Travian is making a comeback! Who are we kidding... Travian was always cool. 

 Hosted by: So Nefarious | Hit us up on Twitter:


Hello and welcome to Renegade Gaming. I'm your host So Nefarious. Still in my pjs but that's the magic of the internet! Let's see what I've got for you today in cryptogaming news.

Beyond the Void, which is a forthcoming game on the Ethereum network, has released 2 3D sketches of an in-game element known as a mothership. This one is called Fusion. According to developers the game has been progressing nicely. They are incorporating feedback from their early alpha version and will be releasing another gameplay video as soon as possible.

Alpha Gameplay

Crypto Database which brought you Dragon Knights of Valeria has released their own version of Travian. For those of you who aren't familiar with browser games Travian is a MMORPG that has you creating and leveling up towns and conquering the map. The original has been running since 2004. The Crypto Database version will allow you to use HTML5 coin to pay for services though unlike Dragon Knights does not currently feature a way for you to earn coins. The Crypto Database network has been updated so you can now use one account across all of the sites including the two games mentioned, faucets, and more.

Okay so I don't know about you guys but I totally remember playing Travian once upon a time. We should get more browser games in on this train. Like omg Vampires by RavenBlack. That was so popular. It's like where you send someone a link and if they joined through it they became one of your vampire children. I think also there was a zombie based... zombie survival game. It was so good. You would like pick up weapons and like radios. You could join survivors. You could start off as a survivor or a zombie. If you were a survivor and you died, you then became one of the zombie horde. It was awesome.

Um, also I think we should have a crypto version of Kingdom of Loathing which is like the funniest browser game ever. It's all stick figures. And your classes are a sealclubber, a pastamancer, and a disco bandit. It's like ridiculous. And it had enemies that were all puns or stick figures like black and white drawings. Including my favourite which was the Knight in White Satin...who never reached the end.. of kicking you ass. Best game. If you don't get that reference... that's because you've never heard the song.

Anyways! Okay! That's it for today. For more cryptogaming news, follow and upvote us on Steem. 


Beyond the Void - 3D sketch 1 |
Beyond the Void 3D sketch 2 |
TravianZ |
TravianZ announcement |
Account announcement |

Cross-posted to: #games #gaming #crypto-news