in #remember6 years ago

The true history of the human race, Atlantis to be specific, has been surrounded by enormous distortions in the mainstream sources of information. In this post, we will look at some facts and decipher the fiction from the application of these facts. We will do so by looking at the past, present and future events and also use the knowledge we have access to in order to connect the dots to the information we don't have access to yet. So let us begin with the basics as we go deep into the details.


It's important to understand and know the qualities and characteristics of crystals and the properties they carry inorder to comprehend the uses of crystals and the principles operating behind them. Crystals are beautiful naturally occurring structures with magnificent applications and purposes. Crystals are emanations of higher energetic blueprints and they are a manifestation of higher laws in this plane of existence. Crystals have many purposes including but not limited to information storage and transmission, amplification of frequencies, healing, levitation or air travel, distance travel, space travel, time travel, teleportation and many others such as the use of peizoelectric energy to generate free energy.


To begin with, the former and last colony of the Atlanteans lays at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean specifically in the Bermuda Triangle. It is clear where the Atlantic ocean derived its name from. The Atlantis civilization is the closest that we as a human race have gotten to experiencing a Golden Age in this dimension. It was a time where technological advancements can only be understood by open minds. The technology was based on Crystal applications to create computing power, free energy, specialized structures made with crystals to achieve specific purposes such as healing, communication with Extra terrestrial ecosystems, meditation and prayer, rejuvenation and many others. In that era, there were beings who were fully in alignment with the Law of One who were mostly the ones dealing with these exotic technologies. At the same time, there were other human beings who were also advanced but were infected with the predator force mentality from the invading entities and they have been digressing genetically ever since. Before this separation occurred, humanity existed in a United state in one Island or land mass but there was infighting after malevolent extraterrestrial entities invaded the Earth. These humans that were infected with this mentality are those called the Sons of Belial and after the Islands catastrophically split, the infected entities moved to an Island called Arya and the humans who existed in alignment with the Law of One settled on the Island of Poseida.
The separation of this Islands was caused by misuse of powerful technologies by these same predator entities.

Arya and Poseida

These two islands were the most advanced in terms of resources. There were other islands but these two were the ones that had the most effect on the survival and sustainance of the whole. This islands were continent sized but they can easily be referred to as Islands due to the efficiency that things ran with. Arya had control and authority to provide food and water since it had the technical power to produce a lot of food and pure water. On the other hand, Poseida was the most beautiful place that can be described in words that can be fathomed right now. It was the technological hub. It was the bliss metropolitan of that time and it was powered completely and solely by Crystal technology. The island had massive crystal pyramids that were used for specific purposes. The main purpose of using pyramids is because of the intrinsic nature of pyramidal structures to concentrate and amplify energy. There was a prayer and meditation temple that was designed to concentrate those pure loving and peaceful frequencies and thoughtforms which would be stored in the crystals through the intrinsic property of crystals of information storage and transmission and later transmitted when there was need especially in hospitals, learning institutions and work institutions. Apart from that, crystals could be coded and programmed to produce these high frequencies naturally. These frequencies were also directed to the farms in Arya to boost crop yield since these Islands coexisted together harmoniously at that time before the fall. This powerful technologies were being used by the beings who were in alignment with the Law of One and were being used for good. There were also rejuvenation crystal pyramids which were designed specifically to maintain, rejuvenate, heal and restore the being back to balance and harmony. The beings who operated these technologies and were in alignment with the Law of One had golden skin and it glowed from the inside which was their ethereal plasma being observed. They lived for thousands of years without dropping their physical body and they had much information and knowledge regarding these crystal technologies. They protected and preseved the Law of One practices for all future generations through their unconditionally loving selves but all in all, they were still human. There were mega crystal domes that were used to store large energetic quanta that was generated from massive crystals underground and others in the massive crystal pyramids. These large domes were the electromagnetic power plants that were used to grow and store energy for the Earth population. The energy was in multi millions of volts and at that time, free energy was something of the norm. There was also something called the second moon, which was a massive crystalline sphere that was programmed and coded to perform various tasks but we will delve into this in another post. :)

Crystal Caverns

During the golden age, much was accomplished and at the same time, much was also destroyey. On the other hand, before complete destruction could be done, some of the beautiful souls that wanted to safeguard this important information and technology for humanity's future generations at that time did one or two things to protect this knowledge.
You see, since the island pf poseida had so much power, the island of Arya began to feel left out while forgetting they too had an Equal role to play in the prosperity of the planet. Since to their eyes crystal technology seemed exotic, they desired to have it and use it for their gains. Due to the powerful nature of crystal technology, the technical information about crystals was only given to the Law of One practitioners who would use it for the benefit of all. Since the Aryans(Sons of Belial) wanted this so much, they pished for it for a long time until some of them were allowed to be part of the team that operated crystal technology. They decieved the Law of One users and manipulated other through the bribery of material gains and powers and eventually they had secured the high posts that could vote on matters concerning the use of crystal technology. They pushed for the use of crystal technology as weapon systems which began as defense application and later evolved into offense application which was used to incite fear and even evict others from their bodies who were against them. All through some Law of One high priests warned about this impending fate but it had already gone too far. The previously benevolent technology had now turned into aggressive malevolent energy weapons that had the capacity of planetary annihilation. Much like thousands of atomic bombs detonated at once if the power was to be directed for such purposes.
Due this high misuse of these crystal technologies, they started developing complications since that is not what they were meant to do. They Sons of Belial asked fro help from the Law of One experts and some declined to offer help since they had already warned and knew that the damage could not be reversed. This is because the systems were by then overloaded, the algorithms that were entered were rewritten in order to perform those other tasks and many more including the natural laws of cause and effect at work.
When much of this went out of hand, some loving benevolent souls chose to hide some of this massive crystals which were enormous in size, much like the skyscrapers we have today, even double in size. These massive crystals were the ones used to power up grids, store energy and information, during healing and rejuvenation and many others. Since these crystals were enormously powerful, they could not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Crystal technology like teleportation and levitation were used to move these crystals underground without being detected. They were worked on by the Law of One technicians who stored information, powered them down, made them dormant and then cloaked them with electromagnetic waves camouflaged in the Earth's natural electromagnetic waves. This way, they could not be located by even advanced ultrasonic or electromagnetic technologies. These events happened approximately 20,000 years ago and they are still affecting humans upto now.
These massive crystals were also Hidden in massive crystal gardens where crystals were naturally grown (just like plants). The massive crystal fields underground are what are referred to as Crystal caverns. There are hundreds if not thousands of these crystal caverns and all of them have a specific purpose in the anatomy of the Earth planet including Planetary and Species memory storage. Some of these crystal caverns existed even nbefore planting began and nthey were a natural part and occurrence in the Earth planet.
It is also important to know that these massive crystals that were kept dormant by the Law of One beings, have been sequentially activating during this rperiod of rcelestial body transmissions and until rnow, very few remain inactive for obvious resons. Most of them were scheduled to activate in specific time portable in sequential years which are 1st Jan 2001(1/1/1), 2nd Feb 2002, 3rd Feb 2003(3/3/3), 4/4/4, 5/5/5, 6/6/6, 7/7/7, 8/8/8 all the way to 12/12/12 before the impending shift that occurred in 21/12/2012(12/12/12).
Also, there are crytals placed deep in the Earth's crust that are not used for good purposes but for malevolent purposes by the invading entities. They include but not limited to DNA hybridisation, Mind Control Broadcasts, Scrambling high frequency imprints and transmissions, Re-enforcing the static NET around our Ionosphere, storing and transmitting the loosh or dead energy to the various worldwide bases and off planet and editing the instruction sets in the planetary grids for global control.
Some of this crystals were placed thousands of years ago and others just hundreds ago.
We can rest there for today since the truth is thateeh we can write a whole book about this topic but for purposes of processing that information and mesitating upon it, it is necessary.

Other than that, we are in a new age where all of us deserve and need to know about the true human history and galactic history that involves all of us as the human race.
Take in only that which is resonant to your highest level expression and your personal growth. Be kind to yourself and others,
Infinite Love Zleee.