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RE: The Gospel of LUKE

in #reliquary6 years ago

This chapter refers to:
The authority that Jesus gives to his disciples to use the power that has transferred them, instructs them about the scope of their mission, the substance of their message, the works they will perform, what they have to carry, and the procedures to use, the mission of the twelve is a prelude to the future mission of the church, which would extend beyond the house of Israel, to reach a universal dimension.
Herod's attempt was evil, he would finally have to see Jesus on the day of the Lord's death.
Jesus retired to rest, to instruct his disciples and avoid a confrontation with Herod,
In verse 10, we see the disciples, deprived of goods, should trust in the provision of God through the hospitality of others, because as always Jesus shows that He is the one who sustains his people and feeds the multitude.
Peter confessed Jesus as the promised messiah and as God, as revealed to him by the deity of God, the holy spirit through divine revelation
The rock is not Peter as an individual, because Christ substituted the word petra-a rock placed on the foundation of a building-for petros, a fragment of petra, Christ could have meant that He Himself was the stone (petra) on which the church rested ...