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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary6 years ago (edited)

Jesus returns to speak in parables one of the most common forms of teaching, because the parable allows to identify the spiritual with the natural, helping to understand the principles of the kingdom contained in them. Here it is expressed that the kingdom prepares a banquet for a union, this wedding represents the union of the son of God with the church, which is prepared from now on with his coming to earth. Many of us receive the invitation of Jesus to be transformed by his grace and love, but few are chosen to give the best of themselves, such as being able to be a chosen one, this depends on the thirst, dedication and love with which you choose to serve God in complete obedience.
Without the man asking for the second most important commandment Jesus explains that this is the second after loving God, because when we receive his love, we can truly love, the attempts of love of the world do not happen to be self-centeredness, vanity, and self-love exaggerated, to see us as God sees us and love us as He loves us, we understand that it is easy to love others despite their defects, weaknesses or character, which do not prevent us from seeing what best of them for the love of God in us.