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in #religion7 years ago

Last time I checked racism was to discriminate against someone because of their ethnicity not because you don't want people near you that want you dead...

Once upon a time there was a scorpion that wanted to cross a flooded river. He could not swim and would drown. On his side of the shore the ground was disappearing under the water. If he did does not leave then he would drown.

He saw a dog that was about to swim to the safety of the other shore.
"Help me! I need to get to the other side before I drown."

The dog shook his head. "I will not. You will sting me."

"I will not! If I sting you then I will drown."

The dog conceded this point of logic and allowed the scorpion to climb on his back. He got into the water and the scorpion had to sit on the dog's neck and head in order to stay out of the water.

When they were halfway across the scorpion suddenly struck out with it's tail and stung the dog on it's neck.

As the dog's body began to cramp up because of the poison, he looked at the scorpion as they began to sink. "Why did you do it? Now we will both die."

To this the scorpion could only say: "It's in my nature."

They both sank and died...

... I guess that dog was just too racist.


Didn't know there was a song about this haha = )


There must be defined boundary set. A place beyond which the answer is "no" and must always remain "no".

I have managed to be kind and generous to people varied in race and origin. Very recently even. I consider myself as 'fair'.

I was asked recently why I would refuse to give a lift to a staff member right into the township where he stayed.

I flatly refused. It is too dangerous. This guy is afraid of walking there by himself because the criminals of his own race will rob him.

For me to drive into an area I am not welcome I may be attacked on zero grounds and afterwards, when officials ask questions over my cold hard corpse the question will be: "But what was he doing in this neighborhood?" It would be my own fault in other words.

If refusing to give that lift into a black settlement is considered racist then my survival dictates to me that I should be racist then...