Ruhul Adab by Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse

in #religion7 years ago

Ruhul Adab: the quintessence of good convenances...

Our motto: Nahnou Ansaroulah.

Our Credo: "Ruhul Adab": the quintessence of good convenances (written by Sheikh Al Islam says baye niass).

  1. Ibrahim, son of el hadji abdoullah, our bright full moon,
  2. After having started with the name of Allah, I express all my thanks to Allah, the beneficent the glorious
  3. This book is a council for my brothers who should (hold firmly) take the tariqa tijania, the path of virtue and the benediction established on the basis of the Sunnah and the Koran,
  4. Continued by making mandatory services services. By This, you will reach benefits and reality
  5. You will not get a benefit from a simple initiation (in the tariqa) unless you stick to his execution a good driving
  6. You should observe his rules as they have been established and be familiar with his code of conduct.
  7. T u should respect all the brothers in the tariqa, especially the leaders who should be obeis
  8. by executant the services (in God), you should concentrate with the respect you need as much as you can
  9. Be good manners openly and secretly. With this you will be raised at high levels
  10. Have in memory the image of your sheikh who initiated you spiritually as well as that of your great sheikh, no doubt
  11. Think more to God and keep quiet because loneliness could be an advantage
  12. Seek a sincere and well-informed educateur who has a perfect conaissance of God and who is a right guide.
  13. Submit completely to him, you will always have to be like a corpse in front of him and inform him of your conditions
  14. Never contradict him. Even if his opinions appear false, always imitate
  15. What appears as a errone of a sheikh is, in front of a wise mourid (disciple), more correct and appropriate.
  16. Don't pay attention to anyone else in this world
  17. Be with him (Your Sheikh) firmly, as if nothing else existed in the world.
  18. The Mourid has no other person above this saint (Sheikh Tijani Rla) and the messenger of Allah (saw) and our seignuer the very great
  19. As long as there is a rival to those (Susmentionnes) in the spirit of the (Mourid), he will never attain the true knowledge of Allah. I say it with certainty.
  20. Always be with the sheik and you will win a lot. You have to love him very much and you'll be reussiras.
  21. Your spiritual advancement will be proportional to the love you are wearing to him (Your Sheikh) thus said the sufi
  22. Spend your new and old wealth looking for his pleasure and follow his instructions quickly
  23. Satisfy your sheikh even if he gives you bad treatment. Realize that he has driven you to what will be a benefit for you forever.
  24. Be Very aware of time (for the services of Allah). Evites laziness so that a test does not give you a regression (spiritual declin).
  25. If you are filled with graces (of Allah), do not be too gay. You should also accept the opposite (sorrow) when he arrives.
  26. Both (Grace and sorrow) are all [coming] from Allah. In Truth Allah is immune from all blame for everything he does.
  27. Don't complain much about the harm you inflict on people, as if you weren't created to be tested with such things.
  28. of the pleasures will come to you from people as to detourner you towards them, while your guidance is to Allah.
  29. If you are tested with problems and problems, be patient. Relief and allegresse will follow soon.
  30. Bis each night is followed by a day like every difficulty of ease.
  31. BIS. Bis in truth every difficulty is followed by a double relief as was reported by Ahmad from Adnan's clan.
  32. If you understand what is abovementioned, you will always be satisfied and pleased with the judgments of Allah.
  33. Bis if you are looking for something and you do not have it, whoever rejected it knows why, while you are ignoring it.
  34. He prevents what will harm you out of his misericorde. Do not blame our Lord for everything he does, or you will be cursed.
  35. BIS I people knew how Allah repand his grace on us, they would be able to endure any difficulties with allegresse.
  36. Not to be honoured by any creature without fighting to be honorable in the eyes of Allah. Never do it.
  37. Instead of being happy with a gift when you're promoted, be pretty happy with the donor if you're good.
  38. Do not meprise a Muslim companion and do not notice the faults of others (know that) your own faults are known to others.
  39. Bis many of them dress in locks, covered with dust, when they make an oath in the name of Allah he grant it as it has been repporte.
  40. Do not inflict harm on a Muslim, even if it is obvious that he offends you. Always try to forgive your offenseurs.
  41. Certainly, this creature (that you are doing evil) is a servant of Allah. Oh my brother does not harm a servant of Allah.
  42. Bis you will not like us to hurt your own servant (even if he is at fault). So you should fear God and think of him.
  43. Always be saddened by your sins and remember both death and the investigations that await you after death.
  44. Bis know that it is essential that you first seek knowledge and remain in the divine rules.
  45. I swear on my life that knowledge is the guide to all actions, as it has been reported by ta-ha, the best of all prophetes.
  46. Oh! You who follow the path spiritueldu tassawouf, get four (4) type of knowledge:
  47. The first is knowledge in God,
  48. The second is to know what is bound to the adoration (of Allah) which leads to certainty,
  49. The third is to know the states of mind, deceit, tricks and evils.
  50. The Spirit has its own flaw, as well as the soul.
  51. Life also has its own weaknesses and without doubt.
  52. Be truly discipline in spiritual journey (advancement) because it is the gateway to the success of every spiritual traveler.
  53. Thou shalt fear Allah all the time and be humble. You won't lose your respect by being humble.
  54. Knowledge, wealth and fertilite are present with signs of rabaissement. Exemple:les names with accents (in Arabic)
  55. Ignorance, poverty and in truth are showing signs of elevation. Exemple:les names with accents located above the first letters (in Arabic)
  56. What is abovementioned is signs of reflexions if you are wise. Try to reason and you'll understand.
  57. The running water does not stop and never stagnate on a hill or on the peaks of the trees.
  58. Do not be satisfied with yourself (Nafsou), do not raise your eyes on others and fear nothing else except Allah
  59. Oh! Brother, don't be arrogant or mean and don't show your face. Always lead your spirit to your Lord (Allah).
  60. The fact of being arrogant, either to knowledge or to the nobility of birth, either to the social company or to the act of worship is detestable.
  61. The fishing that brings the humilite to a person is better than the act of adoration that pushes him to be arrogant.
  62. You can't stop doing des actions, provided you submit yourself to your sheikh who knows Allah.
  63. remains strictly in the teachings of Sheikh if you really want to reach high glory
  64. The best of the sheikh to follow among all is our guide tijani, the prestigious.
  65. It is the link between those who know God and the source (of their knowledge) and the sun (which illuminates)
  66. and the best of des is also his
  67. It is forbidden to combine this tariqa with another.
  68. He who preche pure is a loser in the au.
  69. Whoever said that lied and made an oath falsifie against Allah the very high, the almighty.
    I strongly confirm that this wird is sufficient for itself.
  70. You should focus on reciting the wird of this tariqa. Then I swear (on my life) that thou sreras guide and achieve your purpose (Allah).
  71. Continuous Les, salatoul fatiha and allahoumma aleyka mouhawali (Pure L')
  72. In addition to what is mentioned above, you will have to reciter other prieres prayers (Collectees) by the other erudits of this tariqa (Tihjani) if you are able to guarantee them.
  73. A but special prayers (Sirris) are not easily obtained, if not with a lot of struggle and staying with them.
  74. But beyond that, you will also have apersister the recitation of everything that has been given to you and remain firmly with the councils.
  75. A oh you whose existence is dissolved in Allah, preferes not to discuss with the comrades when you are seated with him (Your Sheikh).
  76. If you do, you shouldn't expect to gain divine secrets, as they are not obtained in public.
  77. If you stay with him, you'll definitely get all the flaws. In Truth, you will earn from him a few powerful lights in your mind.
  78. is certain with the men of Allah. So wake up.
  79. Anyone who does not know the true knowledge of the beneficent (Allah) his life is always entrave.
  80. Allah said I did not create these pure beings that they serve me. Service means here they should know me.
  81. Do not relaches your effort by seeking the knowledge of Allah and then you will see the wonders of being with the binfaisant.
  82. Allah always manifests himself in all things and with everything, before and with all things, pure always.
  83. If you wish to increase your faith then repands you with sincerity and be straight.
  84. Never hate a Muslim, nor is against him, unless i rabaisse all of God's laws.
  85. Constantly observe night prayers, support hunger, feed on what is legal and pure, and take note of the prohibitions
  86. Always advise people to do. Keep quiet, have courtesy to the people of intelligence (Sufi) and good behavior among your friends.
  87. A person is with his best friend in belief.
  88. If the friend is good, she will be. If the friend is like an animal, she will be.
  89. Remember the set (to weigh the deeds), the deploiememt of the record book, and what jahim (fire of hell) contains in terms of chatiment perpetuel.
  90. A and remember cee who is in heaven, like beautiful women, good neighbors and decent houses.
  91. Continue to observe the services that éradiquent peaches. The most certain of them are the salat of this khoutboul (Sheikh Tijani Rla).
  92. Among them there is the recitation of mousabiatou ashara, the imitation of the one who calls (Adhan) has prayer. Thus takes note of that.
  93. There are various prayers in the tariqa but la occupies a higher position.
  94. Salatoul Tasbihi is one, recitation of the tasbihi as well as reading the Qur ' an is another. Be firm in these activities.
  95. Adeux rakas executees in secret and go to the mosquee éradiquent your sins.
  96. Perform Les Proper, guide the blind, assist your brothers by resolvant their problems and other actions actions.
  97. Mediter a lot on God as if you were counting the waves of the sea in the meditation. Shaking hands with caramades are benefits you can't miss.
  98. Living in Islamic life, fasting the month of Ramadan and praying during the nights of Ramadan are all sins of peaches.
  99. Go to the pilgrimage to Mecca and a, execute the little Hajj (Oumra), offering l' secretly a pertir of money obtained loyalement. It's a clear sadaqah.
  100. Àenseigner to little children all the Qur ' an, pray in public all the time. All this is also mentioned in the book (such as fishing eradiqueur).
  101. Here, there are bad deeds that harden the heart, thus empechant the fear of Allah. Among them, the fact of the show is worse.
  102. Being Comic, medisance, bad company, Indecency, calomner and bad spirit.
  103. Evites to always follow your interest in turning to lamour of this world and its materiels materials.
  104. Remains at home and evites a lot of social discussions, don't care about unnecessary talk and don't fight.
  105. Evites to discover the mistakes of people. Try and get out of this with all your strength.
  106. Give money like aumone for the love of God, visits the graves of the Muslim Brotherhood (and pray pure them) without limits
  107. Don't swear unless you have another way. You will have to base things on God's will every time you swear.
  108. I conclude my advice to my brothers, in brief as it looks like a fashion from this time
  109. Written in the year two adds 110. With three times more mil (in 1342)
  110. I gave this poem the title rouhou adb by what he contien wisdom and good education.
  111. Approved by this versification all the believers, o our Lord by the grace of the best of envoyes
  112. Make it for your noble face, O Lord, o sweet, O Clement, o misericordieux
  113. Do not delaisse [O Reader] the memorisation of this versification by my quality of being young in age in a non-Arab country
  114. Surely it is Allah who privilegie by his gifts which he wills, Allah is the giver of immense gifts and is the one who has the will
  115. It is in this magnificent view that the servant of Taha, the malékite in this case the saint name Ahmad [Bamba] said:
  116. It is not the darkness of the skin that is a factor of idiocy and wrong understanding of a man
  117. O Lord, O Lord by the grace of the guide (Al Hadi), keep away from us the evil of any enemy
  118. Provide us with a perfect gnose and (Satifait) our ambitions by the grace of the best [Tribe] of adnan
  119. Conceals our faults by your dispension beautiful and domptes our enemies by your majestic strength
  120. Praise to Allah who has facilitated my versification, he is truly the Lord worthy of praise
  121. Then the prayer accompanies a salute to the prophet chosen (Al Moustapha), the best of men
  122. has his family to the virtuous companions as long as any patient gets the gnose (AL MA ' Rifa)