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RE: Beware of Jehovah's Witnesses

in #religion8 years ago

See again, you thought we shouldn't be on social sites, ok!!!!! We 0r they strive not to get involved with things our creator disapproves of. You have to know how to filter out the bad in order to use for the good ye dig!

They strive to teach their youth to not fall in the trap of all this filth going on especially online such as dating sites & what not. I'm not even dedicated and I choose not to do certain things based off our creators wants & needs. I NEVER joined dating sites and or order hookers and such ha
I do other things I shouldn't I know, but@least I'm aware of what's going on with the traps ;)

And no, I haven't yet checked the article you linked. I will 2mrw. Waist of my time right now. I can't believe you have me writing this SMh


Education and learning new things expands your consciousness .. If you think its a wast of time or you don't want to have information in your head that makes you think well i feel genuinely sorry for u... You have been conditioned through constant brain washing tactics my friend... maybe one day you will sit down and actually does some proper research on the bible and are true origins...

Here you go again! Don't write me no more please because you obviously are not listening to me. I'VE BEEN THROUGH IT ALL my fellow human! I'VE HEARD IT ALL! Same crap ppl like yourself say OVER & OVER AND OVER!
I feel sorry for you because if you had 0r will do your thoro research, you would have come to truth but instead you come to a false state of mind, wanting to break free from feeling bound to rules you simply wish not to follow, which is ok if that's what you choose.

I was brought up to choose for myself, not to believe because of what I was told and so, from there I've been on it! I know the TRUTH!
I debated the greatest debaters out there(world)!
Ppl come up with the craziest things to say when it comes to J.w'S HA!

Told you not to write until I gave a reply back from having read your link BUT you just couldn't wait to talk more crap before me doing so. I've been busy lately with running multiple business. Give me time please, thank you....