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RE: Beware of Jehovah's Witnesses

in #religion8 years ago

And it's not even like that! You don't want to associate yourself with killers IF your not one, right?
0k, same difference! Family 0r not and we are all family to be technical anyway ha!
PPl always say this afterwards after hearing of the rules(creators). They complain "IS THIS FAIR"! Yes its fair! LIFE itself isn't fair when bad things arise, correct?
There is one NIKE and the rest are simply imitations. Same with religion, creator - 0ne true belief and either you find it 0r you don't! but don't come here talkn crap cuz you don't fully understand.

The bible can be very symbolic thus creating the wrong idea(s) into those who are reading alone 0r simply not understanding....


Hi tradz.. I take your comments on board as regard the viewpoints of others on here... I'm 47 and i left it like i said when i was 25 but thanks for saying i sound young lol... i left due to the hypocrisy tbh.... i fully do understand things my friend. I know all the literature and whats about to be released months before yourselves do in fact.. and i also know what theme and programmes of upcoming conventions.. i never took my finger off the pulse but that doesn't make me a bad person or a person with any bad intent or malice.. what i do do though is simply warn people of the perils in following a false organization thats all. I once led a double life and often said to myself the same thing as you do... i won't leave our conversation with a bad taste in anyone's mouths, but all i will say is, i wish you all the best in your life and hope you find happiness in what you do... peace brother :-)

Correction, I said "sound young" and young you are! YOu see, we are babies when starting to learn something new and as we grow in knowledge, so do we grow in understanding.
2nd, I've already found happiness in learning of Jehovah's ways, my son, my music, crypto - I've been rich since my inception ;)

Due keep in mind that even J.W.'s have spies and ppl trying to purposely spread false information. Keep your ears and eyes OPEN
Take care and I will report back 2mrw so, save your replies till then ;)