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RE: Jesus is the God of the Old Testament

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

For many years scientists used to argue about whether light was a particle or a wave.
They finally decided that the only theory that would explain all the facts was that light had a dual nature - sometimes acting as a particle and sometimes acting as a wave.

This is a good way to understand the Dual Nature of Jesus. He is fully God and fully man. When you find a verse that proves He was a man, good for you. That's like doing an experiment that proves light is a wave. I will then show you a verse that proves He was God. That's like doing another experiment that proves light is a particle.

Both are fully true. Proving one does not unprove the other.

  • Scientists now believe that light is both a wave and a particle – a property which they term the wave-particle duality.

  • Theologists now believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man - a property which they term the hypostatic union.

When Thomas recognized Jesus, he addressed Him as "My Lord AND My God." Jesus did not rebuke him, but instead acknowledged his correct belief.

When Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM" the Scriptural experts of His day knew exactly what he was claiming, and said so: “We are not stoning You for any good work, said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.”

You cannot prove that Jesus was not God by pointing to verses that show He was a man any more than you can prove light is not a particle by pointing to an experiment that shows it is a wave.


This illustrates perfectly what happens when the limited human mind is faced with trying to make sense of the Infinite. If you, Stan, can contemplate that light is both wave and particle - why can you not contemplate that Christianity, from a limited human perspective,and another, or all other, religious views are "true"?

Christians believe Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead to save those who believe this.
Muslims do not believe this and therefore cannot be saved by it.
The two are fundamentally incompatible, since one denies the very basis of the other.

If you watch the various videos on The Simulation Hypothesis, you'll discover that sometimes the only thing determining whether a photon is a wave or a particle is whether you are looking at it. One theory that explains this is that we are living in a simulation that doesn't bother rendering a particle unless someone is looking at it - just like video game simulations work. So examining an apparent contradiction leads us to a new discovery.

Many humans are familiar with physical bodies being indwelt by a spirit. Jesus' physical body is indwelt by the Spirit of God. Thus, He can be physically a human and spiritually God at the same time. This is just rough metaphor to aid human understanding and not the full story. Jesus was God the Son and communicating with God the Father in the beginning before he ever took on human form. When they say they are One is means more than just "in agreement." Think of how the Star Trek Borg collective was One and you are getting closer.

"We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."

On the other hand, if Jesus says that the only way to be saved is believing in what He did for us on the cross and Muhammad says that he didn't do anything on the cross then these are not dual realities these are contradicting statements. They can't both be true.

Extend this to all other religions. Jesus says he's only giving life to those who believe in him and not for any other reason. All other beliefs contradict Him by saying that there are other things humans can do. This is irresolvable. If there turns out to be even one other Way, then Jesus is wrong.

But doesn't being a wave deny being a particle? How can you hold to that?