Daily Scripture

in #religion8 years ago

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Today I would like to look at Matthew 19 Verse 24 to 26

24)I repeat: it is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”
25)When the disciples heard this, they were completely amazed. “Who, then, can be saved?” they asked.
26)Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.”

It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. This expression was used deliberately to show that we are often so attached to our possessions, that we forget about God in our lives, and we then think that we are independent of God and that we don't need Him in our lives. We are in danger if we think that we don't need God for our salvation. What is important, is that we must believe and trust in God and not on ourselves and our riches. For God nothing is impossible. On who do you depend for your salvation?

Have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria


Jesus! The way the truth and the life! 🤗


Yes, What we are doing or whatever is happend around us is god willing. We always need god for salvation.He is ultimate.Nice motivated post.Upvoted and followed.

Thank you very much @whiteblood

wonderful message : )

Thank you very much @blazing


Thank you very much.

i am not christian but i believe in your post because everyone nowadays forget about the god and the reality is they are turning fearless :( i really got hurt when i see people who are now don`t even believe in all that stuff.

Thank you very much for the nice honest reply.

Indeed Nothing is impossible for GOD Indeed Thanks @rynow

Thank you for posting - a wonderful scripture.

You are welcome, and thank you for reading and commenting

have a wonderful day too

Thank you very much @cityslicker

good story

Thank you for reading and commenting

This is awesome :) I don't have a direct comment, as I don't believe in one particular faith.. But this is awesome!

Thanks @Rynow for being so faithful! Talk soon.

Thank you very much for reading and commenting

It is really great massege...

Great work....
Ameen.... Wel done @rynow

You are welcome, thank you very much for reading and the nice comment.

Thank you so much for sharing.

You are welcome, thank you for reading and commenting.

Thank you for sharing

You are welcome, my dear friend

All that we have is because of God's blessings. I depend solely on Him for my salvation and know if it weren't for my God, I won't have all that I have now. Faith in your Lord and hard work are two monumental keys to living a good life. Thank you for this analysis :)

You are welcome, thank you for reading and commenting.

Alwalys thank you for comment

You are welcome and thank you for reading and commenting

This is an understanding that has what it takes to live a happy life of contentment. Thanks @rynow, and thank God for his word Jesus Christ.

You are welcome, thank you very much for reading and the nice comment.

Amen..! 🕆

Thank you very much

That's truth

Thanks for sharing! great post - upvoted and followed

On who do you depend for your salvation?

Well we meet god in the middle of the way. So it is also me. I have to believe and work on myself every day.


Thank you very much for the nice comment.

Thanks again for this wonderful post!

You are welcome, thank you for reading and commenting

thank you for sharing :)

You are welcome, thank you for reading and commenting.


Thank you very much for the reply

amen !

Thank you very much


Thank you very much.


Thank you very much

Jesus is wonderfull!

Nice mate! Believing in god means believing in ourselves.