Today I would like to look at 1 John 1 verse 9
9)But if we confess our sins to God, He will keep His promise and do what is right: He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing.
When we repent and confess our sins, our sins are forgiven because of what Jesus has done for us, by dying on the cross. We however sin daily and must keep on confessing our sins and ask for forgiveness. It takes honesty and humbleness to confess our sins. God will forgive our sins if we believe in Jesus.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria
One of the great verse from Bible you explained and shared well! God bless your work and your family also!@rynow,
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
Amen rynow ☺
Thank you.
A beautiful verse, thanks for sharing!
You are welcome, thank you very much for the nice comment.
Have a great day Thanks @rynow
Thank you
Thank you. I appreciate all of your daily readings and all of the support. It means a lot to me and makes me want to keep posting.
You are welcome, I am glad that I can help. Thank you so much for the nice comment.
fabulous one
Thank you
Quite right, confess and God will forgive sins. Thank you Gloria for sharing.
If we confess ours sins He is just and righteous to forgive us...
As what the scriptures always said that our God is a loving God and is willing to forgive those who seek forgiveness. We must not doubt God because he gave his only begotten son to us to save us from our sins. That is the God's greatest gift to mankind.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So it is up to us to accept the Lord into our hearts and ask for his forgiveness.
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.
god bless you for this work. impressive thought to spread gods words. @rynow
reteemed & upvoted@resteemia
Thank you so much.
Golden words, only by humbly praying we will receive God's forgiveness. Amen! Peace to your home Gloria!
Thanks for sharing.. God bles you
You are welcome.
Amazing photography...thanks for the post.God bless you.
The photos are from the the internet, the source is given.
Wow !!
Amazing photography...
Before sunset, you pick this photo...
Thanks for sharing it
The photo is from the internet, the source is given.
god created us... we are the god's child... if we confess our sins truly to god he'll surely forgive us...☺
Thanks for the post.God bless you.
You already saved a soul.
Thank you so much for the very encouraging and nice comment.
Thank you very much for those words that relieve. For these moments of faith and spirituality @rynow
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment.
Great job. Always good post.
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
The sinful will punished............./////////////
The Bible is a religious book.
you will have a prize..........///////////
Thank you for the nice comment.
God is great... if we confessing our sins by heart then Almighty God forgive us...
He is great forgiver.just you need to turn to him
He will.forgive you, you just neend to ask for forgivness from the bottem of your heart
thanks for sharing dear.. blessings
You are welcome.
very valuable verse and nicely explained.
thanks and god bless you!
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
El efecto del perdón de Dios sobre nuestras vidas es realmente maravilloso.
Saludos Que reflexivo verso el de hoy @rynow. El perdón de Dios siempre será algo que tendremos que agradecer.
Amén, muchas gracias por el buen comentario
He is indeed the most merciful and beneficent!
Thank you very much for the nice comment.
We do mistakes consciously or unconsciously, but accepting those mistakes are important and our almighty father will forgive us. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.
Welcome. 🙂
Nice post
Thank you.
Amen, you mentioned something key "honesty when it comes to asking for forgiveness", God bless you
Amen, thank you very much for the nice comment.
I join to comment aja, good luck always
Thank you so much.
wow nice post aman post great thank you

Thank you so much for the nice comment.
wow nice amen post thank for resteem,,,,,,,,

Thank you.
For your post propagation.
Thank you very much.
100% like and resteem
Thank you.
Jesus opened the floodgates of God's forgiveness
Thank you
god is almighty and will be forgive our sin if you follow his path.
Amen God bless you
Thank you so much.
We should always ask for forgiveness of our sins and God will surely forgive us.. happy weekend my friend
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.
God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive. Amen
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty. Have a nice day
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He's going to be up all night anyway. Amen
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
yes god is great he will forgive us
god is merciful.greatness belongs to him
Gods always protect us.That would be greatest christian faith @rynow
Thank you for the nice comment.
@rynow.........i agree with you,,,if we confess to our god,,only he can forgive our every sins.......ameen.....
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
we all believe in Jesus
Thank you very much for the nice comment.