Today I would like to look at Psalm 33 verse 4 to 5
4)For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.
5)The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.
What God says will happen, because what He says is right and true, and God is faithful. God loves righteousness and justice, therefore we ensure that we do what is right.
I hope you have a wonderful day. May God Bless you.
Soli Deo Gloria
A great verse from Bible well shared and explained! God bless you and your family!@rynow,
His word is truth, His promises are yes and amen!
thanks for sharing your good article....God bless you @rynow...
Thanks a lot for sharing,amen.
For the truth and peace brings happiness, amen.
Beautiful words, our thoughts and words about Jesus should be respectful. Amen! Peace to your home Gloria! thank you my dear friend @rynow.i appreciate your great thought..
We do what is right.
Awesome verse dear.
God bless you for preaching the holy verses!
love to read it..
Very nice my friend
Keep posting such kinds of posts...May God bless you @rynow..
Amen, a very important reminder. Thanks for sharing!
Amen. your jeesus post is the best post.
Amen. your jeesus post is the best post.
Great verse dear
That's really great
my dear friend @rynow i like you post....
Hey, @rynow God bless you for preaching the holy verses! Amen...
Wow great post
fabulous one.
Very nice i like it
Very religious thoughts.God bless you @rynow!!
A relegious post . I like your blogs
everyday you sharing a new lesson for Religion.thanks for sharing..
Amen!Thanks to share daily scripture post @rynow.
Amen. your jeesus post is the best post.
thanks for sharing your post ... ameen
The more fascinating I see.
thanks for the new blog.
Amen :)
There is a lot to learn from your post.
You will use that philosophy to use that sounds pretty beautiful
Thanks for sharing such a teaching post
Amen God is true and true.
gold bless you.@rynow, Thanks for sharing Psalm 33 verse 4 to 5 of Bible word.
Thanks @ Rynow, For Posted Christian - trail.
everybody should maintain their religion
God must always speak the truth.
Nice verse
god bless you
Truly, the word of the Lord is correct and just ... Thank you @rynow for sharing these words
Daily Scripture i will always support.............
what a creativity!
God is never wrong.
Amen!Thanks to shared daily scripture post @rynow.
God is the almighty and he know the best for us
Wise words... A friendly hug.