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RE: Dissing God

in #religion8 years ago

God was invented by scared people who wanted answers. Now we have science that was blocked by the church to keep there power and profit. I am here to tell you there is nothing to fear. Just accept you don't know. Believing in some invisible man in the sky is crazy actually. You are delusional. Believe what you want but get out of your ivory tower and stop thinking your better than everyone else. Mass brain washing over centuries. Hitler did it in a shorter period of time. Jesus gave up all his worldly possesions (Have you?). Until you walk the walk don't talk the talk. Hypocrites and greed. Joke on clowns.


You were tricked several times:

  • People invented many things not to be scared. None of them works in long-term: like sedatives, alcohol and drugs. Child seeks Mom and Dad when it's scared. It didn't invent Mom and Dad. Adult people do the same they seek God because He is the true Father.
  • science was blocked by church - let's rather say that inconvenient science and evidence were, is and will always be blocked by ruling class which usually don't serve God (and yes in several centuries it was roman catholic church who was ruling class and claimed it serves God)
  • to accept that you don't know is fine unless you know. And you can know God, that's actually the major point of all of this
  • truth might seem to be crazy but the level of that craziness is related to one's mindset distance to that truth . Look at many physical theories, many seemed very crazy in time when announced and they needed to fight for centuries until people accepted their "craziness"
  • claiming believers are delusional doesn't change a thing on the Truth and its consequences
  • Christians don't think they are better but we believe in salvation. You can be a man with top IQ or someone who is the best in some other area and still unsaved. It doesn't correlate.
  • do you really think that in this most atheistic century in history people are not brainwashed the most?
  • Hitler didn't do it by himself. Do you really think that power to manipulate millions to do horrible acts comes just like that?
  • Jesus was perfect, other christians are still "working" on it. Who is perfect in anything at once before he tried and practiced a lot?
  • It's false to tell someone you need to be master first before you can practice it. That would be like telling to a young surgeon that he cannot do his job until he's fully experienced, perfect and with success rate 100%. Therefore to be imperfect Christian while still trying and practicing to do better is not a hypocrisy.

People invented admit! Know God? Its made up with no proof. The facts of religion are that people turn up to church on Sunday to feel better and carry on with lying and cheating for profit. The Bible was written and changed by men over these centuries you speak of.... Men had many wives, Drug use was common and they were Christians. There were gay and lesbian Christians and even a female pope whom was written out of history books. Your whole so called faith is based on what was written and changed and is paramount to a lie. You say truth? The truth is with no proof it is crazy. Get on with living people and stand up to religious nut bars that are in the minority that want to control you and tell you what to do. I will do what ever i want. If i want to take a dump on the alter surrounded by incense and gold i will. American right wing nutcases fighting for Jesus lol. Put down your guns and your ideology is dangerous. Find your higher self through meditation. I still say your brain washed and scared little boys. I am a man and what happens when we die...Nobody knows and i am comfortable with that. I ain't starting a war over religion or resources or prove i'm right. Are you?

You've chosen what is suitable for you but you risk a lot if you're wrong. Some poeple know you're wrong but will not help you until you realize this for yourself. Blaming others that they are not perfect and yes some of them using religion to harm others will not help you in the end. But you've made your decision and everyone should accept that. You're writing that nobody know what happends when you die... I've gathered over 100 testimonies from people and most of them experienced clicinal death and so you can hear their after-death experiences if you're brave enough -

God was invented by scared people who wanted answers.

If the science had saved people from the fear of death, God and religion wouldn't have been needed.

Besides, this so called science is another kind of religion. In that sense that you also have to believe, it's something based on the faith. You cannot check by yourself all these scientific statements. So you have to have faith in scientists that claim em.

Another point is every sane man can see, that science gives us all except the things we need most of all. The main problem of life is death. In comparison to death all other so called problems are not problems at all. It's obvious. And true religion is the way to conquer the death.

Of course there're a lot of false religions, but it doesn't mean that there's no true religion. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened …"

The sad thing is that we will all find out the truth at the end of our lives... :(