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RE: The evolution of Adam - a conundrum

in #religion8 years ago

but first i need to point out that when God said let us make man (Gen1:26-27), He was making man to function as Him. God is Trinity, which automatically makes it such that He was making man that same way. Verse 27 states that male and female made He them. the man God created in question is a spirit being; but when God formed man, He formed him (1) out of the dust and breathe the Holy Spirit (2) into him to make him a living being and then extracted (3) the woman from the man (Adam). Adam means Manthis is really interesting @gavvet. this is really interesting. i will take my time to comprehend this and maybe comment....

@pilcrow, Adam is the first man God created after His kind. If you have time i will want you to read Isaiah 14:13-14particularly BUT read the entire scripture for better understanding. Adam and Eve as humans is about the union (marriage) and the purpose of God for creating marriage is so that the Man (Spirit) He has made in His kind can take back the kingdom of this world (owned by the devil- you need to read this entire passage and the temptation of Jesus) to be the kingdom of Our God.

Man became what the devil thought in his mind and that is why the devil hates us. and secondly the reason why marriages are under attack so much with people marrying same sex is because they havent realized that the devil is only fighting the unity of the Spirit so that man cannot take back the kingdoms of this world and make it the kingdom of our God.

i hope this help. God bless you


thanks for engaging, we will get more into this in further posts