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RE: The evolution of Adam - The biological purpose of death.

in #religion7 years ago

Resources on Earth are finite, and the resources of the Universe may be finite too. But the space of the Universe is infinite so a more evolved species, that uses less and less resources may cheat death for a long time.


What are some of the resources you are referring too? I think of food and environmental toxins that are harmful to the human body. Let's say a human ate the correct diet once a day and fast others... Exercised was not subjected to harmful environmental toxins, physical danger etc... (if this is a good example) given a length of time the average person in this society could live 150 years+???

Life uses these resources to resist harmful environment and go beyond.

Resources for energy , like food and water. Even the space for living could be a resource if it turns out to be finite.

...finite space or just too hard to reach.