Deconstructing the myths and urban legends about death

in #religion8 years ago

Ecclesiastes 9: 3rd This is an evil among all that is done under the sun, that one event to all.
Satan and his demons have been very clever to fool men at the weakest point in their lives, when facing the death of a loved one. Following that, we have heard everything from zombies, appearances, from supposed resurrections, and stop counting. But true Christians must not allow ourselves to be moved by these myths and urban legends, we must approach the word of God, which gives us all the information we need on this issue, so that our knowledge of the afterlife, and death, not this founded on myths, but the truth of the word of God.
God will never leave us adrift on a as important as what is death and the whole process issue. And above all urban legends that have arisen over death. This word of truth of the Bible that teaches us from start to finish the whole course of man from birth until it reaches to heaven or hell. And these truths are absolute .. Let's see:

Globally Bible speaks of three kinds of death:

    Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat;
    Genesis 2:17 of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; because the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
    That death is the separation of God from man for having sinned in Eden, the mere fact that God stopped communion with man kill man spiritually, because God is life, and without God man is spiritually dead.
    The first man after Adam and Eve, who was Cain, was born physically alive but spiritually dead (separated from God)
  2. Physical death
    Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.
    This came as one of God's judgments issued on the man after sin. God told Adam: "Dust you are and to dust you shall return." Since that day no man has been able to circumvent this decree, except those that the Lord Himself not let them die, to leave us biblical teaching that anyone who walks with God will not die. This was the case of Elijah, and the case of Enoch. 2 Kings 2: 1, Genesis 5:24
    And that physical death, the Bible gives us a lot of data to prevent us from being deceived by satan on this important issue.
    to. The power of that death lies in sin, since both spiritual and physical death entered the world because of sin. Romans 5: 12-14
    b. Physical death is unavoidable, even if we arrive at the foot of Christ's physical death remains an inevitable reality for us, only for the believer is a passage to heaven, while that for the lost is the consummation of the loss of his soul.
    Ecclesiastes 8: 8 No man has power over the spirit to retain the spirit, or power over the day of death; and no discharge in that war, nor will wickedness deliver those who possesses it.
    Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, and after this the judgment:
    c. And the big question and question many have: What happens when someone dies? Urban legends about this are many, and unfortunately there are believers who believe more in these legends, who teaches us the word about this. Let's see what tells us the word of truth, the word of God about what happens when a person dies physically.
    There is still hope for everyone who is among the living; because it is better alive than dead lion dog. For the living they know that they shall die; but the dead know nothing, they have no more reward; for their memory is forgotten. Their love and their hatred and their envy, is now perished; and never will share in all that is done under the sun.
    Ecclesiastes 9: 4-6
    We'll break these texts, so that we know the whole truth about this:
  3. There is hope of salvation only while the person is alive, once death comes there is no more possibility of amending sins, or to change condition, ie, who died without Christ anger to damnation, and that will not change after death, and who he died with Christ sleep until await the coming of the Lord and his resurrection to ascend to heaven together with the church, and that will not change after death. It means that purgatory is a blatant lie of Catholicism to extort money from people, no one can be purged (cleaned) after death.
  4. The dead know nothing, so that my grandmother talked to me or my family is watching me from heaven, or visit graves every week to put water to be loved, are unbiblical practices and demons use ignorance of the people, to enslave them to event of the death of the family and thus divert the path of salvation, there are people who have fallen into idolatry making altars for dead relatives, as because in a dream the deceased family told him to make an altar. ALERT. That is not your family are demons cunningly deceive the unwary. The word of God says, "the dead know nothing" is saying they have no knowledge of anything on this earth.
  5. They have no pay, their memory is forgotten, their love, their hatred, and their envy, ran out, ie their earthly emotions ran out, with the process of life on this earth death entirely to the person who he died not see us from above, we must not pray for them, the less you have to be expecting them to give us directions from the beyond. The Bible is clear, with death completely closes the loop here on earth.
    Brothers have very carefully today, are leaving lots of videos of men and women who have died and they say were taken to heaven, and hell, and who saw this and that. All this is a great deception of Satan father of lies. God has never sent their children to put their faith in such things, nor paranormal events. The Christians should build their faith in the word of God, and what is written there, not in videos that can only produce momentary fear in people, and curiosity, but never repentance to salvation. Discard all these lies of the devil and believe what it teaches us the word of God. The beyond the Christian is in the hands of Christ, as our journey today we have life, should be focused on doing the will of God. Of the three deaths there, Christ with his cross and his blood, delivered us from the worst of all, the second death, which is death in hell today physical death is only a transition for the believer, a hope that when God decides to send, only he is to take your sweet presence. Let us strengthen our hearts with these truths, and do the will of God, so that we remain forever.
    1 John 2:17 And the world passeth away, and desires; but he who does the will of God abideth forever.