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RE: Atheism Talk - The Problems With The Uncaused First Cause / Cosmological Arguement

in #religion8 years ago

You stated that a 'complex organism cannot be the result of chance and accident in defiance of the second law of thermodynamics.'

Yet, if we look at the second law:
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process.

We see that it requires an isolated system, one with no inputs or outputs. Assuming we are talking about Earth, the only place we've confirmed the existence of complex organisms, the second law does not apply because it is not an isolated system. The Sun bathes Earth in " 274 million gigawatt-years of solar energy, which translates to an astonishing 8.2 million “quads” of Btu energy per year." source. Which is a great deal of input energy more than enough to overcome local entropy.

The footprint example also fails as there are many things that could look like a footprint but not be caused by a foot. A rolling log might have left the imprint, or someone used their hands to draw a footprint in the sand.

A useful tool known as 'Hitchen's Razor' states, "that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".

So bring some evidence, or be dismissed without it.


Be dismissed?

Is it a habit for atheists to be rude to people who disagree with them?

Again you feign offense rather than rebut with evidence or a counter argument.

Is that an ad hominem attack?

I was referring to your ideas and claims, but those seem so tightly a part of your identity that it really doesn't matter if I was referring to the claims or not, you would have taken offense.

You still haven't provided any evidence nor addressed how your claims were rebutted. Nor addressed the original posts arguements.