That's the claim everyone makes. Whether those in a denomination or not. You don't have to label your theology or understanding of the Bible. The different interpretations and understandings of the Bible have already been labeled and I can tell which one you believe. It's known as Calvinism which is a very false and destructive theology. It's basically an inverted works-based gospel which is no better than a works-based gospel. It teaches double predestination and claims that God does not want to save everyone.
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The reason I have to disagree with this categorization is that John Calvin was still viewing things with the wrong perspective. So I certainly cannot endorse his views. He arrived at SOME of the right conclusions, but with the wrong focus.
God obviously does not want to save everyone. If he really wanted that, then the bible would not contain a bunch of parables and mysteries, nor would He have only spoke in parables. For that matter, He could have done something other then create a perfect deceiver in Lucifer. The books of Moses and the prophets are in line with what the Messiah said, Paul appears to contradict Him on several occasions. Thus the warning about his letters.
If God does not want to save everyone, then you could very well be one of those whom he does not want to save and so you can't have any assurance whatsoever. You have to wait and see what happens after you die. That's a very depressing worldview. Why even bother...
You can imagine the Hebrew priest thought that if anyone was to be saved, it must certainly be them. But although they did all the works, they lacked the spiritual relationship, and turned the marriage Covenant with YHWH into a religion of tradition. And, instead of re-examining their position when condemned, they became angry and had called the Messiah, a blasphemer worthy of death.
Now this is where grace comes in. Left to ourselves, we will always attempt to make God in OUR image, and try to bestow upon Him qualities that we feel He should have in order to be worthy of our praise. We dont want Him to be like the God of the old testament, nor do we want to believe He spoke with the intent to mislead in the new. So we flock to Paul's writings, which seem to fix everything right up, as long as we ignore YHWH and his prophets, calling ourselves "new testament" Christians. Thus we find ourselves depending on a misinterpretation of Paul's letters for salvation, and making a new, nicer God that we like better. this is the Great Falling Away from the truth, as it is worldwide.
But by grace, the elect are saved from this subtle deception.