Hello beautiful family of steemit blessings today I am going to talk a little about what is a principle for all Christians the scoop.
1 Corinthians 15:20

"But now Christ has risen from the dead; the firstfruits of those who slept is made "
This means the first of a new generation. When we give God our first, He will see to it that there is always a fair retribution for us.
Disobedience brings death
Obedience brings life.
Christ as a scoop came to establish a principle of resurrection.
Presentation to God of the sign of our loyalty and conversion to Christianity.
Offering presented to God as a sign that we have become worshipers; But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because also the Father such worshipers seek to be worshiped. John 4:23
Here we have the Samaritan woman = firstfruits of Samaria and Jesus = firstfruits of Judah. The scoop for your life is Jesus.
When we know the word of God, we stop being children and mature towards where we can not be deceived. In Matthew 4 we read that Jesus was tempted, but temptation came to be tested, not to be seduced.
We have to become firstfruits for God, because the most important thing for God today is not Israel but we who are the fruit of the resurrection of Jesus who became the firstborn of the only begotten. You and I are the first fruits.
Not all crops mature at the same time; some bear fruit immediately, but others have to wait years to see their first fruits. That's why we read in the Scripture that some bore fruit at 30, at 60 and at a hundred for one. Where are you?
Exodus 23: 20-22
Behold, I send my Angel before you to guard you on the way, and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Beware of him, and hear his voice; do not be rebellious; because he will not forgive your rebellion, because my name is in him. But if you truly hear his voice and do all that I tell you, I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will afflict those who afflict you.
The benefits are obtained as a result of bringing the first fruits to the house of the Lord.
We will not walk alone; the angel of Jehovah will go ahead giving us guidance and protection and will take us to the place that God has already prepared for us, that is, to our destiny.
Protecting our enemies If we are obedient, God will protect us from our enemies. Verse 22. There are things that God answers for your insistence as it happened in Numbers 22:12. A problem of the church is that it wants to be like the world when Jesus is the king. There are many people who live in the permissive will of God, not in the perfect will of God.Romans 12: 3 In the permissive will he can not give you what he wants, but what he can. God told the prophet not to go and 3 times insisted. You can not curse what God has declared to be blessed. When you live in obedience you count on the protection of God, Psalm 91 and no weapon forged against you will prosper.
There is a transfer of wealth Verse 23 2 Chronicles 20: 22-25

"Each man's sword was turned against his companion and they killed each other and the Israelites were gathering riches for 3 days"
Today God wants there to be a transfer of abundance to the children of God who honor Him with their obedience and do what He asks to be done.
Provision Verse 25 "He shall bless your bread and your waters" provision, sustenance of my house shall be under the protection of God. "Behold, the hand of the LORD shall be upon your cattle that are in the field, horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, and sheep, with a most grievous plague. And Jehovah will separate the cattle of Israel and those of Egypt, so that nothing dies of everything of the children of Israel. Exodus 9: 3-4 You will not be touched by poverty. None of your children will beg bread. "Only in the land of Goshen, where were the children of Israel, there was no hail, Exodus 9:26
es una historia que se a repetido durante mucho tiempo y en muchas culturas.. interesante.. buen aporte!
Asi es , Bendiciones