
Oh, He hasn't hesitated to wipe out entire cities, civilizations and most of the life on the planet. He says He will do it again. Soon. If you want to understand that, you need to get to know Him. He's not "pissy", he's very patient and protective of his children and the overall objectives of this particular creation.

A lot of people have the opposite complaint. "Why does God tolerate all the evil in the world."
The answer is patience and the need to let certain things run their course to achieve His ultimate objectives.

Those who take the time to understand what has been revealed on this topic, can begin to grasp that there are far bigger reasons for everything that has happened (and is about to happen).

However, those who don't seek that understanding and instead grab a fact they don't like as a reason not to look further are the subject of this post.

In this case, you merely restate bullet number five - and therefore make my case. :o)

Big difference between old testament and new testament. You won't find Jesus advocating for violence... " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. " He said that about an adulterer IIRC.

There's only one religion currently killing in large numbers for their religion, and it isn't the Christians.